
Sep 07, 2004 15:25

I've really screwed up on this one, I feel so awful right now. I've totally made the wrong decision about this year and I'm scared I can't do much about it. My Mum is, to say the least, a little pissed off at me right now, she gets that it is really not good being the 'new girl' as it seems like everyone else *has* their friends and *knows* ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

_second_string September 14 2004, 15:28:09 UTC
Hey your school..no College bag effected my dream the other day...I'll tell you about it later, but while I was at yours writing that thing for your dad, he read it when you went off and said "blimey no spelling mistakes" in a shocked tone...as if. He should know that I'm very smart by now (H)...love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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