Name (please use your real first name, if possible, and definitely no "Usa" or something that based off a Senshi name, unless that really is your name): Hallie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Likes: I love coming home on rainy days, making a mug of hot chocolate, turning on the fireplace, and sitting down and reading in front of it, wrapped in old blankets and surrounded by pillows. I love going to the mall with my best friend and spending hours in bookstores, and then an equal amount of time eating dinner and just chatting. I love sitting up late at night and asking myself “what if?” questions. I love explaining things to people, and I love it even more when those people listen intently. I love winning contests, and I love being able to justifiably say that I’m the best. I love being on my own and having free time. I love video games and books and manga and my computer. I love my family and my friends and myself. I love getting my way. Most of all, I enjoy storytelling in any medium-books, movies, comics, video games, or what have you. Anything that tells a story and tells it well has my love.
Dislikes: I hate people who think that they can get away with acting however they want without any thought of the repercussions. I hate being beaten, or losing. I hate being forced into things that I wouldn’t have chose for myself. I hate feeling helpless, and I hate feeling that I could have done something but didn’t. I hate it when people don’t listen to me. I hate fighting with people, though that doesn’t stop me from being overly-aggressive and confrontational. I hate regrets. I hate loneliness-especially the kind that comes when you’re in a crowded room as opposed to all by yourself. I hate cowardice, and people who have no honor or morals. I hate the fact that most people pass judgment on things as if their opinion really matters at all. I hate waiting-in line, for the mail to come, for stories to update. I hate the fact that people of intelligence can’t be valued simply for their intelligence, but have to go out of their way to prove their worth. I hate feeling inadequate. Most of all, I hate the fact that I often say too much and can’t stop myself.
Strong Points: I probably shouldn’t count this as a strength, per say, but I can be a very good liar. This isn’t to say I’m dishonest; rather, I just tend to trim the truth a bit when it’s convenient. I suppose that you could also say that I’m good at thinking on my feet-or that I have a lot of tact. I’m also a fairly eloquent speaker, and good at explaining things. I can remember anything after reading it or hearing it. I’d like to consider myself a decent writer. In addition, I tend to the person who remembers personal things-birthdays and important events.
Weak Points: If I feel overpowered in a situation, I tend to hang back in the sidelines instead of taking second place. I can be prideful at times-and by “times,” I mean a lot. I don’t deal very well with setbacks or failure. When people don’t agree with them, I tend to not want to deal with them. I compartmentalize a lot, and if I don’t feel passionate about something, I can’t force myself to do it. I’m cynical and a bit blunt, so I suppose I’m not as nice as people would like me to be. While I’m fairly social, I tend to block people out when I need alone time. I’m also quick to anger and have been known to have the occasional shouting-match.
Hobbies: Where should I begin? I suppose writing would be my main hobby; it’s hard to find a time when I’m not jotting things down in a notebook or writing things up on the computer. I also like sketching and animation. I play the piano, though more for recreation than anything else. I like going for walks in the rain, and baking. I’ve read through most of the libraries and bookstores in my general area. I’m also an intense daydreamer, which blends into my love of making up stories. When I’m feeling a certain way, I consider cleaning and organizing obsessively a hobby, as well.
Current Job (if you are in school, what are you studying): I’m still a student, but my prospective majors for the upcoming years are history, English, political science, and economics, with an eye towards pre-law or getting my PhD in history.
Dreams: I hope to one day be in a place where no one will have too much power over my life. I hope to spend my years with people who genuinely care about me. I hope to do something that will genuinely benefit humanity. I hope to make a difference in at least one person’s life. I hope to be respected and adored. I hope to be in-charge of my own life, and to never regret my decisions.
Describe yourself in 3 words: eloquent ; confident ; reserved
Color: Maroon
Food: Ice Cream
Animal: There are two. The first is the lion (or, more accurately, lioness). They have long since been the symbols of strength, power, and hierarchy in the animal kingdom-the sobriquet “king of beasts” has always been one I relate to. Lions have both power and stability, fierce aggression and rigid order. They are symbols of sheer force and loyalty, and I admire them. The second animal would be the swallow. I’m fascinated by the freedom associated with flight, but the swallows’ habit of continually returning home is something that I relate to as well. They are also symbols of adventure and experience, particularly on the sea, so I can connect to that, as well.
Season (summer, spring, fall, winter): Late summer/early autumn
Fruit: Oranges
Flavor: Raspberry
Smell: Cinnamon, juniper, citrus
Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Love, Magic, Metal, etc. BE HONEST!): Am I allowed to be a bit abstract, here? If so, I would say that the element that I align myself most with is time. I’ve always been fascinated by it as an element or receptive force, especially with the endless amount of possibilities and burdens it places on its bearers. I also think it aligns with my personality fairly well, since I’ve always been fascinated by both the future and the past, specifically how they fit together and influence one another. In terms of the classical elements, I’ve always seen myself as predominantly fire with touches of wind-aggressive and passionate, but tempered by calmness and inquisitive moments.
[Are you more...]
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic/cynical
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Normal
Impulsive or Think Things Through: Think things through
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing but reserved
Lastly, give us a quote, motto, or song lyric you really identify with...
“Who will read it?
Who will live forever in this world?
A letter left behind
Is her undying memory.”
--Murasaki Shikibu, The Tale of Genji