Rifted Guilds Application

Jun 16, 2010 00:00

=== Player Information ===
Name/Nick: Skyla Doragono
Journal: skyla_doragono
Method of Contact: Skyla @Plurk
Current Characters: NA

=== Character Information ===
Name: Szayel Aporro Granz
Gender: Male
Age: Uncertain; maybe 200+++? He looks about late 20s, early 30s.
Fandom: Bleach
Time period: Post "death", or what passes for it in Bleach; before he arrives in Hell.

Pokemon: Butterfree
Distinguishing Characteristics: He'll retain his bone glasses if that's okay; if not, a pair of white-rimmed glasses would be fine.
Explanation: Many people seem to tie Szayel's resurrección form, Fornicarás, with butterflies, and this form of his does resemble it. His powers in this form are also parasitic in nature, and Butterfree evolves from a Pokemon described as a parasite.

History: Not much is known about Szayel before he joins Aizen's army, other than the fact that it's assumed he did not have much contact with his brother, Yylforte, as he was never in any flashbacks with him. Some point after joining Aizen, he was an Espada of unknown rank, but later removed for unknown reasons (possibly because he wasn't that strong; considering he prefers to fight with his mind rather than brute force, this isn't that hard to believe). At some point after this, he was approached by Nnoitra, the then Octava Espada, and asked for assistance in dealing with the Tercera Espada, Nelliel Tu Oderschvank. He created an illusionary device for Nnoitra that distracted Nelliel, enabling the other man to deal a crippling blow to her head, defeating her. Szayel was there to observe Nnoitra dumping Nelliel and her fracción over the walls of Las Noches, expressing surprise when she turned into a child. He also suggested that he and Nnoitra should join forces on a more permanent basis, but was denied. Sometime after this event, Nnoitra started moving up in rank, and Szayel was able to rejoin the Espada, becoming the Octava.

He is seen a couple times before his grand debut, first in the meeting with all the other Espada, discussing Ichigo and his companions invading Las Noches, and again when Aizen confronted him about unleashing the Exequias on the substitute shinigami. He finally takes the stage personally when Renji and Dondochakka invade his personal corridors, mocking them for falling into the "simplest" of his traps. Unfortunately, Renji does not allow him to finish his introduction, preferring to "kick his ass" than talk and unleashes his Bankai, which Szayel quickly nullifies thanks to the fact that he already knew what to expect -- Renji had fought against and defeated his brother previously, in whom Szayel had implanted Memory Spirit Bugs. After Szayel expresses little remorse (or rather, none whatsoever) over his dead sibling, a brief fight breaks out in which Renji thinks he has the upper hand... until he realized Szayel barely moved through out the entire exchange. He continues to attack, though Szayel quickly grows bored with someone that "wasn't anything special," before summoning his numerous fracción to finish Renji off.

Unfortunately no sooner does he call the end of the act, does Ishida bust his way onto the scene, killing one of Szayel's larger fracción as he does so. The Quincy proves himself to be a more challenging opponent, even managing to stab the Espada through the neck. This quickly changes of course when Szayel starts nullifying his attacks as well, having already analyzed Ishida's reiatsu during his earlier fight with "that whore," Cirucci Sanderwicci. It takes a combined last ditch attack from both Renji and Ishida before Szayel is badly injured enough to have to show just what makes his Octava fracción so special, consuming one of the round ones called Lumina and healing himself of all damage. He then puts his fight with the two of them on hold, having to change his clothes because he wouldn't be able to concentrate with his appearance in such disarray.

Renji and Ishida make a break for it, but Szayel is watching their progress as they go, rearranging the halls of his area to force them to loop back around to the same room they had been fighting in. Once they return, he declares that he has decided to fight against them using his full strength, despite how much of a "bad joke" it is, and transforms into his released form. The battle starts again, but Szayel merely creates clones of the heroes, sitting back and watching as they fight themselves. That is, until Renji (and in turn, all of his clones) use Bankai and blow off the roof of Szayel's area of the palace.

Irritated, Szayel forces the clones to explode, before attacking Renji and Ishida directly, starting with the Quincy first and making a voodoo doll of him, happily demonstrating it's abilities by crushing the doll's stomach, doing the same to Ishida as well. It's not long before Renji ends up in the same boat, and while Dondochakka and Pesche attempt to save them, like everything else, Szayel nullifies their abilities and is about to finish all four of them off...

...and then Mayuri appears.

Szayel doesn't take Mayuri seriously at first, despite the fact that he's a Captain of the Gotei 13. He captures him and makes a doll of him, crushing every one of his insides, but Mayuri has the upper hand, having already replaced his insides with dummies to counter that ability. Mayuri turns his own words on him, growing bored with Szayel and unleashing his Bankai after the Espada captures his lieutenant, Nemu. The doll that appears from the Bankai unleashes a massive gas cloud before swallowing Szayel whole as the Espada attempts to counteract it. He's hardly out for the count yet, and Szayel implants himself in Nemu, using his Gabriel ability to revive himself and nearly kill her in the process. He then forces Mayuri's Bankai to turn on him, though the captain was prepared for such a situation, and forced the doll to self destruct.

It's then that Szayel realizes things are getting a bit... slower. As Mayuri explains how Nemu is implanted with various drugs in the event she is ever taken over or consumed, Szayel's senses continue to increase until it gets to the point where his body cannot keep up with the information overload, thanks to the "superhuman drug" that had been in Nemu's stomach. He tries to defend himself, but Mayuri stabs him through the hand and the chest, breaking off his sword and leaving him to die a very slow and painful death.

Personality: Szayel breaks the trend of how most Arrancar behave in Las Noches, but not by much. He prides himself on his high intellect, and boasts to be a "perfect being" and "immortal" because of his ability to reproduce himself no matter how many times he is killed. He is also extremely narcissistic, going so far as to put an entire fight with Ishida and Renji on hold, because the former burned off half of his outfit. He even complains about his ability to resurrect, saying the only bad thing about it is that it leaves his hair a mess. Szayel also has particular tastes, and if anything goes against them, he's sure to change it at the first opportunity. He demonstrates this with the clones he makes of Dondochakka and Pesche, changing their respective polka dots and loin cloth because he found them ugly.

Szayel is also rather prejudiced against all non-hollows, and views humans, shinigami, and Quincy alike as little more than research material. This makes him come off as extremely sadistic; especially when he tells Renji not to get too beat up before he dies, as he prefers to work with a neat corpse. This is also the reason he follows Aizen as well, because he hopes that Aizen will rid the world of all non-hollows; he is rather loyal to him, if only because he knows that Aizen would squash him before he could blink if he ever attempted to stand against him. That doesn't prevent him from not revealing everything in his reports, as Aizen comments that he wishes Szayel's reports were more accurate at one point. Even his own race is not safe from Szayel, as he has altered the DNA of his fracción so they may heal him when he eats them, presumably without their knowledge, judging from the reactions of his fracción when he revealed this fact. He also has a very sarcastic side to him, protesting he just "wasn't into that sort of thing" when Renji used his sword to trap the two of them close together. Lastly, Szayel has a flair for the dramatic, and considers himself much like an actor on a grand stage as he toys with his victims, often drawing out just how badly he can affect a person just for his amusement, as he shows when he demonstrates how his voodoo dolls work.

Szayel is usually fairly calm and composed, but when he loses it, he really loses it, usually having a screaming and cursing hissy fit; the best example of this being when Mayuri just seemed to refuse to die, and he ended up throwing the voodoo doll he made of him to the ground, cursing and stomping on it as hard as he could. He can also be quite excitable over certain things, such as when Ishida revealed himself to be a Quincy and when he's showing off the abilities of his ressurección form.

=== Samples: ===
First Person:
1) You discover a secret passage in a basement. What do you do? See where it leads, naturally. Such a secret construct could lead to an adequate location in which to build a lab to suit my needs.

2) Have you ever wanted to communicate with aliens from another planet? Of course, though I doubt much "communication" would be involved.

3) Would you feel comfortable stating your opinion to a very important person? Indeed; an opinion is wasted if it is not spoken.

4) Do you like to do things according to plan? I pity those that thrive on the chaos of life, truly. [Sarcasm in written form, who'da thunk?] That being said, naturally I would desire my plans to work out as I see them, but even I must anticipate the incompetence of those that work for me to screw something up.

5) Do you think that lies are sometimes necessary? No of course not! Why would I ever think that? [Does it even need to be said that he's lying?]
Third Person: All he wanted to do was write one little request on the bulletin board. That was it. Just one little request.

Szayel huffed at the board, fluttering just inches away from it. One stubby hand clutched at a pen, trying desperately to reach for the board and write down his request. Unfortunately, it was a physical impossibility with this body; he had no arms to speak of, and his hands were not long enough to clear his nose. Every time he tried to get close enough to the board to write, his nose bopped against it, preventing him from getting any closer. It was infuriating to go from the very model of perfection to a body with so many glaring flaws, that he couldn't help but start to get irate, wings fluttering rapidly as he flailed his hands and feet, trying so very hard to accomplish his task.

He finally stopped when he caught the sound of snickering coming from behind him, and he whirled to see two, tiny red birds on the ground behind him. They instantly tried to pretend that they hadn't been laughing at him -- him! -- though that didn't stop Szayel from glaring. He huffed again, tossing his antenna back like he would his sorely missed pink locks, and fluttered off.

Even trapped in this tiny body, he was still a genius.

Szayel returned some time later, and the first thing he noticed was that the two little birds were still around. They were, after all, rather hard to miss as they stopped what they were doing to stare at him. Of course they would stare at him, for his brilliant mind had come up with an extension for his hand made entirely of twigs and vines. The extension gripped the pen, and his fingers manipulated the rest, allowing him to flutter right up to the board and write down his request as originally planned. Task completed, he let out a satisfied noise, favoring the red birds with as much of an arrogant expression as he could pull off, before flitting away.

He'd like to see those bird brains do that with their wings.


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