Selena (Eternal Sailor Nemesis)

May 12, 2010 18:23

Title: The 10th Scout (Chapters 1 - 19)
Writer: Eternal Cosmic Sailor Saturn
Summary: "There's a new girl at school. She bumps into Usagi after her first day and they become friends. It seems that the new girl has a great secret! Who is she? Friend or Foe? Also the Starlights reappear! Two Arcs for this story! R&R! Tated T to be safe!"
Canon: Anime/Dub mix
Rating: 5

Name: Selena
Senshi Title: Eternal Sailor Nemesis
Hair: Light blue, waist length, then corrected to shoulder length in an AN, with bangs
Eyes: Presumably blue
Unusual Markings/Colorations: She looks like she could be Usagi's twin.
Senshi Outfit: Doll by me "her outfit was black and pink. On her tiara was the crescent moon symbol"
Eternal Cosmic: "Her outfit was just like Eternal Cosmic Sailor Moon's ("Her outfit was just like Sailor Cosmos outfit from their battle with Galaxia. Her hair remained the same and instead of a star there was a crescent moon on her forehead.") except her hair was the same as it always was: waist long light blue, just like Queen Serenity's."
Other Clothing Descriptions:
Princess form: "She wore a dress similar to Princess Serenity's but Princess Selena's had [a slight purple tinge and white] pearls lineing the top of her dress [instead of the gold] and no sleeves. Her hair was waist length and light blue. She also had a crescent moon mark on her forehead."
Possessions: "she held a staff that had the bottom like Super Sailor Pluto's but the top was a sphere with a crescent moon mark on the top." In Eternal Cosmic form... "Her new staff was just like Super Sailor Pluto's but at the top, instead of a jewel (like Super Sailor Pluto's) was a black star with the white moon crescent in the middle." "a locket that held a crystal that was the most beautiful shade of blue" that she uses to transform. Said crystal is the 8th Rainbow Crystal, which Queen Serenity gave to her to use in case of emergencies. A compact that she uses to communicate with Luna.
Guardians: None

Origin: She lives with a foster mother. Before she moved to Japan, she lived in England and fought lemures there until Luna somehow got in contact with her. (It doesn't surprise Selena at all that she's a cat because she had conveniently been having reoccuring dreams about her.) Her parents died in a fire set by one of the lemures.
Silver Millennium: She was Princess Selena, Princess Serenity's younger sister. In order to prevent a revolt, Queen Serenity sent her to Nemesis as an ambassador of peace. Nemesis destroyed "Metillia" on her first attempt to conquer the solar system, but failed the second time, causing the planet to be destroyed. After the battle with Beryl, which she survived, she used the time key to travel to Crystal Tokyo in the future. (Beryl also went and destroyed Kinmoku because she was pissed that Selena lived and decided to take it out on her friend. See below.) There, she gave the key to Neo-Queen Serenity, then went to Sailor Saturn so that she could be reborn on Earth with the others. Since Serenity had used the Silver Crystal to have more than one child, Uranus and Neptune hated her and blamed her for Beryl's attack on the moon, mistaking her for "Queen Metillia" somehow. She stayed in Crystal Tokyo for 3 years and left when all of the servants started accusing her of being a witch and a fraud.
Connections to Canon: The new student at Juuban High School. Usagi crashes into her while on her way to the temple after school. A few minutes later, the Outers offer to drive her home. Hotaru instantly remembers her from her past life just as she gets out. She has fainting spells similar to Hotaru's. She is the reason why Kinmoku (and numerous other planets) were destroyed. Her and Kakyuu have been "ancient friends", and at the end of the first "arc", they reveal that the Starlights are actually her guardians, not Kakyuu's. The reason they don't remember this is because Queen Serenity went a bit overboard and sent every single senshi in the universe to the future at the end of the Silver Millennium. (That's also why Galaxia fell to Chaos and why Nemesis was lost in darkness... Selena admits that she doesn't know how that works either.) She had also been a transfer student at Mugen and Minako's school while she was hiding from them.
Senshi Moves:
Nemesis Star Death: Not described
Nemesis Death Key Attack: Not described
Nemesis Star Key Attack: Not described, might be the same attack.
Nemesis Crystal Healing Activation: It does what you think it does.
Other Special Abilities: "Just like Ami, Selena was at the top of every class. If Ami wasn't the top then Selena was." She can emit moonbeams like Chibi-Usa when she's upset... or when "she realizes how to use her powers". Hers is used as a deus ex machina power for whenever no one else has a power that can deal with the situation at hand. She can heal people, and give them back their heart energy (the stuff the enemies are stealing) by touching them.
Annoying Traits: The enemies, lead by the creatively named Queen Dark Light and organized like a badly cloned version of the Dead Moon Circus (the Amazoness Quartet even managed to get themselves brainwashed again), are looking for the "Purity Force of Nemesis", which she has. They pass by her more than once, and both times they shrug it off because they can't believe such a normal girl could hold such power. Only a sailor could. She's more powerful than Sailor Moon, even getting her Super form before any of the other senshi. She can take down Pluto in a battle in one hit. (Which she has to do in order to get to Saturn to be resurrected for some reason.) In fact, she's so powerful that, according to Neptune "It means that her crystal combined with her power could destroy the universe. Her power alone could create chaos everywhere. The whole universe would be destroyed." Most of the story involves everyone else trying to hide and protect her. Every instance where she heals someone is also usually followed by a fainting spell. She spends a good chunk of the story unconscious because of this. She dies defeating Queen Dark Light, but Diamond comes out of nowhere and revives her with a kiss. She was also the first senshi to be found (by "Artimis"), not Venus, and she had her full memories of her past life. She was the Zordon to Venus' power rangers, telling her where monsters were and what they were looking for when she was in England.

Comments: ... ... Everybody in this story is just stupid... The canon characters, the villains (especially the villains), everybody... Passing by someone who feels like the person you are looking for- Do they not realize that sailor senshi aren't in their uniforms 24/7?

And you know something? I think I read through this whole thing twice. I'm getting a sense of deja-vu from it. Either way, I'm not doing this whole thing and its sequel all in one go. Due to burnout and the fact that the first story actually contains two arcs. The second one starts at 20 and judging from the chapter titles, introduces lots of new characters.

I did find out one thing that has been bothering me: Back in another entry I mentioned a user named "Taeniaea". She would show up occasionally in every few stories that I do and leave the. same. review for every single chapter of a story. ("I Love The Chapter:X Plz Plz Update It Soon!" or "I Love The story!") I mentioned that I thought she was a bot because of that and the fact that she has over 1000 favorites. It turns out she's not. She actually has some stories up now. So... there you go.

And another thing:

You write vey well for a sixteen year old!



Selena was walking to school the next day when she saw the same 2 girls with the same guy that she'd seen the other day. Peril, Destiny

and Fate felt that a powerful being was near by but.

"Hi!" called out Selena, "Have we met? Do you go to Juuban High School"

They couldn't and wouldn't believe that a regular school girl was the source. They telepathically told each other it must be wrong. Only a

sailor would hold such power.

"Hi." said Peril casually, "No we haven't met and yes we all go to Juuban High School"

"Wow! That's cool. How come I haven't seen you there before?" asked Selena.

"We just registered yesterday after the school was let out." said Destiny. "We start today"

"Oh cool!" exclaimed Selena, "I'm Selena"

That caught them off guard. Selena was the name of the Princess that held the purity force. They figured if she really was the Princess of

Nemesis then she'd have her memories.

"Princess Selena?" asked Fate.

"Huh? Whose Princess Selena?" asked Selena, confused.

"Oh! Nothing." said Fate.

The trio decided that she wasn't the Princess and that their sense was wrong. The four walked to school together. When they got to

school they met up with Usagi, Haruka, Michiru and Minako. Almost immediately Haruka and Michiru could sense that they weren't

from our solar system and they were now abit worried about Selena's safety. For if they were the enemy then they would've felt her aura

and known immediately that she was Princess Selena, the Princess of Nemesis. [Unfortunately, Haruka and Michiru didn't count on the Shadow Trio being denser than a black hole.]


"Momma!" cried a voice. It was Princess Selena.

She wore a dress similar to Princess Serenity's but Princess Selena's had pearls lineing the top of her dress and no sleeves. Her hair was

waist length and light blue. She also had a crescent moon mark on her forehead.

"Momma!" she cried, "Momma please wake up"

Princess Selena started to cry when suddenly Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were standing in front of her.

"You did this didn't you?" demanded Sailor Neptune.

"You killed everybody here! Why Queen Serenity kept you is beyond me!" spat Sailor Uranus.


"You see," said Eternal Cosmic Sailor Nemesis, "Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune didn't like the fact that Queen Serenity used the

power of the Silver Crystal to be able to have more than one child. They thought that I would grow up to be a mistake. All thought's

considered because when I was born I was destined to be the Princess of Nemesis."


"No!" cried the startled Princess, "No! I didn't do it"

"Yes you did!" shouted Sailor Neptune, "I knew you couldn't be trusted"

"Even if your more powerful than your sister," said Sailor Uranus, "you still wanted to be queen before your sister. Didn't you"

"No please! It was Queen Beryl from the Dark Kingdom!" cried the helpless looking Princess.

"Liar!" shouted Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.

"I'm sorry Momma but I have to." murmured Princess Selena, "Nemesis Crystal Power! MAKE UP!"

She held up a locket that held a crystal that was the most beautiful shade of blue. She transformed into Super Sailor Nemesis.

"You think just because you can become a scout you can beat us?" sneered Sailor Uranus.

"We have years of experience to your none." smirked Sailor Neptune.


"But Super Sailor Neptune and Uranus aren't that mean." defended Eternal Cosmic Sailor Moon.

"No but when they didn't trust you at all they were." said Eternal Cosmic Sailor Nemesis. "Now it might be different but they were that

mean to me then"


"I must talk to Neo-Queen Serenity!" pleaded Princess Selena to the guards, " Please! She must see me"

"Who is it?" called a voice from within.

"Uh, she says her name is Princess Selena, your majesty." said one of the two guards.

"Princess Selena?! Send her in at once!" said the voice.

Princess Selena was admitted. Once inside the room a figure dressed in white with Princess Serenity's hair style and a crescent moon

mark on her forehead ran towards Princess Selena and embraced her.

"Welcome back!" cried the figure. "Oh I thought you were dead"

The person started to cry.

"Are you Neo-Queen Serenity?" asked Princess Selena.

"Yes." sobbed the figure.

"Do you know what happened on the Moon Kingdom? I mean you must," said Princess Selena, "seeing as you posses a crescent moon

on your forehead."

Neo-Queen Serenity stopped sobbing.

"Don't you know who I am?" she asked drying her eyes.

"Nope." said Princess Selena.

"I'm your sister, Selena." said Neo-Queen Serenity, "I'm Princess Serenity"

Princess Selena couldn't believe it. She'd seen her sister and everybody on the Moon Kingdom die.

"No!" said Princess Selena backing away. "No it can't be! Everybody there died! I watched them all die"

Princess Selena burst into tears and ran but she was stopped by the guards. Neo-Queen Serenity came over to her sister. She told one of

the guards to make haste in readying a guest room for her sister. She then took Princess Selena over to a chair and made her sit down.

"No!" sobbed Princess Selena, "No! Your lying! I saw them! I saw them all die! Even my mother, Queen Serenity died in front of me"

"Please," said Neo-Queen Serenity. "Let me explain"

Neo-Queen Serenity told her sister all that had happened to her since the Moon Kingdom was destroyed.

"But why didn't I end up with you?" asked Princess Selena, "I mean I was their when Momma died. So how come I never went with


"I think it's because Momma hoped that your were still on Nemesis." said Neo-Queen Serenity, "Now do you want to tell me what

happened to you to get so far into the future"

"Well..." said Princess Selena, "If Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune aren't around then ok"

Princess Selena told Neo-Queen Serenity all about her fight with Uranus and Neptune, about getting the time key from their Momma's

room and getting to the palace from the very edge of the palace limits.

"But Eternal Sailor Uranus and Neptune aren't like that now." stated Neo-Queen Serenity, "In fact, Eternal Sailor Uranus and Eternal

Sailor Neptune! Come forth at once"

Both the scouts appeared then stopped dead in their tracks. They thought that they'd killed her. They thought they destroyed Princess

Selena because they thought that she was the reason that everybody died on the Moon Kingdom. They thought she had commanded

Queen Beryl to do it.

"What is she doing her my Queen?" asked Eternal Sailor Uranus warily.

"She is my sister and she had NOTHING to do with the attack on the Moon Kingdom so long ago," said Neo-Queen Serenity with a

voice that dared them to oppose. "Well for my sister it was mere hours ago"

"But your majesty!" insisted Eternal Sailor Neptune, "She was the Queen Metillia that ordered Queen Beryl to destroy the Moon


"No! She wasn't. She had brought the forces from Nemesis to the Moon Kingdom because the people there felt it was their duty to help

defend us." shouted Neo-Queen Serenity, "But they couldn't stop the Dark Kingdom and everybody died with us. Princess Selena

survived because she was the last person to ever leave Nemesis before coming to the White Moon. She saw my mother die"

"We are truly sorry Neo-Queen Serenity but we've never trusted her." stated Eternal Sailor Uranus.

"I know that but please." pleaded Neo-Queen Serenity "You've got to know deep down that even if you don't trust her you'd always

protect her"

"Well..." said Eternal Sailor Uranus.

Neo-Queen Serenity knew that they'd listen to her word even if they didn't like the order.

"Ok." sighed Eternal Sailor Neptune.


Just then they heard a beep. Haruka pulled out her communication device.

"Hey." she said into it as a picture of Princess Mercury appeared.

"Uranus," said Princess Mercury, "In order for our plan of escape to work you need to get caught."

"What?!" said Haruka, "What plan and why do I have to get captured"

"Because," said Princess Mercury, "We need them to open the cell door and for all of our powers added to Neo-Queen Serenity's."

"Huh?" said Haruka.

"Let me explain then I'll let Neo-Queen Serenity tell you some extra about Selena." said Princess Mercury.

Haruka listened to Princess Mercury as the others waited.

"But I can't." said Haruka, "I'm too injured."

"Then we will wait a little bit. You must have your strength back for this to work. Don't any of you leave the apartment." said Princess

Mercury as she handed Neo-Queen Serenity the communication device.

"Neo-Queen Serenity!?" said Haruka in disbelief.

"Yes I am here." said Neo-Queen Serenity, "Now listen, Princess Uranus, you must know that should the enemy get a hold of

Princess Selena then the world is doomed. That is not new, I know, but this is: if she should realise how to use her power then she would

emit a moonbeam just like Small Lady did when she was in danger. You must not let that happen for then the enemy will for sure find you

all and kill you."

"I understand. We will not go anywhere." said Haruka as she turned it off.

She looked at the others.

"Well now we're equal in knowledge about Selena huh?" she said laughing.

The others laughed too and went to bed. Because Haruka was too hurt to be moved they left her on the couch.


Everybody powered down and Seiya and Taiki helped Michiru and Haruka. Just when everybody started to head down the stairs to go

home Selena started to feel dizzy. Yaten and Mako noticed.

"Selena, are you ok?" asked Mako.

Everybody stopped and turned around.

"Selena!" cried Mako, alarmed.

Selena fell over. Yaten caught her.

"Selena! Selena! Are you ok?!" asked Yaten.

She fell unconscious.

[Next chapter]

"Selena!" cried Usagi. "Selena wake up!"

They were back at the Starlights apartment.

"Selena please!" she cried again.

Nothing could get her to wake up. Even Luna and Artimis didn't know what to do. Ami checked her pulse again.

"She's still alive." she said, "But she's not responding."

Usagi started to cry again. Chibi Chibi came up beside Selena.

"Chibi Chibi?" she said.

Then she transformed into Sailor Chibi Chibi. Ami looked from Sailor Chibi Chibi to Selena. Worried she took her pulse again but this

time got nothing.

"I can't find her pulse!" she cried in alarm.

"What!" cried Usagi.

She was about to run over to Selena when there was a pink light filling the room. Everybody turned around and saw that Sailor Chibi

Chibi was praying. There was pink waves of light flowing from her just like when Galaxia took Usagi's star seed. Seiya, Taiki and Yaten

stepped out of the way. Everybody else did the same thing.

"Chibi Chibi!" cried Sailor Chibi Chibi.

The light started to race back at her and Selena was lifted into the air. There was a bright flash of light and then Selena was standing in

front of them holding Sailor Chibi Chibi.

"Selena!" cried Usagi, "You're ok!"

"Yes I am thanks to Sailor Chibi Chibi." she said smiling at Sailor Chibi Chibi.

Everybody was crying and trying to talk all at once. Selena just laughed and smiled at it all. Then everybody went home and she went to



"My Queen I have the Princess Selena of Nemesis and her sister, Princess Serenity of the White Moon. Her sister's energy will be very

powerful I should think." said Sailor Dark Moon.

"Good. Prepare them for the transformation." said Queen Dark Light.

"Yes my Queen." said Sailor Dark Moon. [Your guess is as good as mine as to where the hell this person came from.]

She used her power to tie them to a table.

"Selena!?" cried Usagi.

Selena stirred.

"Selena wake up!" shouted Usagi.

Selena woke up and just about screamed.

"Usagi!" she shouted. "What happened? Where are we?"

"I don't know but I think we're in major trouble!" cried Usagi.

"You got that right Princess Serenity of the White Moon!" cried Queen Dark Light as she came out of the shadows.

"Your heart crystal will be more than enough for our plan." said Queen Dark Light. "But as there will still be enough left to keep you alive

you will remain here while your sister and I destroy your world!"

"NO!" cried Selena, "I'm never ever gonna help you!"

But Queen Dark Light revealed a dark crescent moon that over powered a crescent moon mark from the moon.

"Heart Energy Unite!" cried Queen Dark Light as the other scouts ran into the room.

They'd found the way in and found the right room. Both Selena and Usagi screamed. Usagi's heart crystal was taken out and sucked dry

of it's energy which was then transported through Queen Dark Light and put into Selena. The energy became dark after going through

Queen Dark Light therefore making Selena turn evil. Both girls had revealed their crescent moon marks during the process but on Selena

a dark crescent now overpowered hers. She broke her chains and rose over top of Usagi.

"Don't!" cried Sailor Chibi Moon. "Please Selena!"

Selena looked over at the scouts. Her eyes were glazed over. Everybody gasped.

"I'm not Princess Selena," she said, "I'm the Dark Princess to you!"

She blasted them with her powers. Then she turned back to Usagi who was laying lifeless.

"Now Dark Princess," commanded Queen Dark Light, "Destroy your so called sister!"

Princess Selena moved towards Usagi but stopped.

"What's wrong?! Destroy her!" screamed Queen Dark Light.

All sound was oblivious to Selena. She heard nothing. She saw nothing but her sister, laying helpless and lifeless. Looking at her made her

remember, made her realise what happened and what she really wanted in life. Looking at Usagi broke the simple spell on her.

"Now do as I say!"

Selena suddenly could hear sound again, could see other than her sister, could fight against the evil queen. She slowly turned around.


She was barely audible but everybody still heard what she said. Her whole body glowed in her planetary color: greyish-purple. Then

Usagi was lifted out off the table. She too was glowing. Everybody watched in awe as Selena gave back her sisters heart energy. Also

the dark crescent moon disappeared as she healed her sister. Slowly Selena handed Usagi over to the others but she stayed where she

was. Eternal Sailor Jupiter grabbed Usagi. When Selena didn't come over with her sister, Uranus and Neptune realised what Selena

planned on doing.

"No! Don't!" cried Neptune.

"Selena don't! You'll die!" cried Uranus trying to rush to Selena to stop her.

But Selena floated up higher than her reach. She transformed into Princess Selena and took out her crystal.

"You think that you can defeat me!?" cried Queen Dark Light, "Never!"

And with that cry the battle began.

Queen Dark Light flew up higher than Princess Selena and attacked. Princess Selena lifted her crystal up in defiance.

"Nemesis Crystal Power!"

Eternal Cosmic Sailor Chibi Moon and the inner senshi realised that this was just like their battle with Wise Man. So they contributed

their powers as well.

Mercury Eternal! Mars Eternal! Jupiter Eternal! Venus Eternal!

Usagi woke up to see Chibi-usa become Princess Small Lady Serenity and fly up to join Princess Selena.

Moon Crystal Power!

Seeing the others join their powers the outer senshi joined in.

Uranus Eternal! Neptune Eternal! Pluto Eternal! Saturn Eternal!

Usagi stood up and transformed into Neo Queen Serenity. She too flew up to Small Lady and Princess Selena to fight.

Moon Crystal Power!

Everybody's power went into Princess Selena's crystal. It changed color with everybody's powers joining.

Please, my crystal, lend me more power to defeat her, prayed Princess Selena.

There was a brilliant shine of light and Queen Dark Light was destroyed. Right before Princess Selena's crystal broke she wished that

Sailor Dark Moon be healed. Then to her the word went blank. Suddenly as Princess Selena fell there was a light from behind

everybody. They all turned to see Sailor Dark Moon being healed. She stepped out into the open and she revealed that she had been

brainwashed by Queen Dark Light.

"My name is Sailor Light Moon." she said.

Princess Kakyuu was shocked.

"So that's why you disappeared so long ago." she said in awe.

"Yes and I'm sorry to keep you waiting," said Sailor Light Moon, "my Princess."

This shocked the Starlights the most. The starlights turned to face Princess Kakyuu.

"What does she mean?" asked Sailor Star Fighter.

"I can't explain it all," said Princess Kakyuu looking at Princess Selena, "But I know who can."

That's when everybody remembered Selena. Neo Queen Serenity had become Usagi again and she was crying, holding on to her sister.

Chibi-usa, who was no longer in her Small Lady form, was standing beside Usagi, also crying. Usagi looked up at everybody.

"She's," she sobbed, "dead." [... *Sigh*]


"She's what?" cried Eternal Sailor Mars.

"Dead." murmured Chibi-usa.

Seiya came over and picked up Selena (everybody had powered down). Mako helped Usagi who was weak from using her crystal and

Hotaru watched over Chibi-usa. They all headed over to Princess Kakyuu's and the others apartment.

"Selena wake up!" screamed Usagi.

Nothing happened. And nothing nobody said could get her away from her sister. Even Chibi Chibi couldn't bring her back this time. It

looked like there was no hope left. Then came the knock. It was very quiet but Ami heard it. She got up and answered the door. When

she opened it she gasped. It was Diamond! She stepped aside as he entered. The inner senshi and Chibi-usa gasped as everybody else

wondered at the mysterious man with white hair. He walked over to Selena and Usagi moved aside. He bent over her and whispered

something to her. Then he kissed her. All at once Selena's crystal was fixed. He whispered again to Selena then got up. He was heading

out when Usagi stopped him.

"She will be fine now. But I must go." he said to her.

The inner senshi fully expected her to kill him right then and there but Usagi felt that something had happened so all she said was:

"Thank you. See you at a later time then?"

He nodded and she let him leave. Before the others had time to react Selena woke up.

"Where is he?" she asked as everybody swarmed over to talk and cry at her at once.


Princess Kakyuu had seen that Selena had hoped to keep this a secret awhile longer but they no longer could.

"To start with," said Princess Kakyuu to the sailor Starlights, "You 3 are NOT my guardian senshi."

Everybody except Selena, Chibi Chibi, Princess Kakyuu and Sailor Light Moon was surprised.

"That's true." said Selena. "You see, you 3 are actually MY guardian senshi, from the past during the time of the Silver Millennium."

"But how can that be?" asked Taiki.

"We don't remember any other princess than Princess Kakyuu." stated Seiya.

"I know," said Selena, "That's how I wanted it. You see Princess Kakyuu and I are ancient friends. We knew each other since the moon

kingdom was destroyed. Usagi, the power of the Silver Crystal not only sent you guys to the future but all senshi EVERYWHERE.

That's why Galaxia was taken over by Chaos so quickly or why Nemesis became lost in darkness and also how the sailor starlights are

my guardian senshi."

"But how..." said Rei.

"I don't know how but the Silver Crystal is way more powerful than it let's on." said Selena, "Anyways right before the moon kingdom

was destroyed Queen Beryl and Queen Metillia they came to Nemesis because it was the first major barricade into our solar system.

Queen Metillia knew of the power of the Silver Crystal so she needed it by any means possible. At her first attempt to get past Nemesis

we destroyed her, or so we thought. Later Queen Beryl showed up, possessed by Metillia. They attacked Nemesis and destroyed my

planet. They were about to attack me when my guardian senshi defended me. Sailor Star Maker, Fighter and Healer tried to defeat them

but they were seriously injured."

Here she paused for any questions. When none came forth Selena continued:

"Even though they were only to protect me they tried to protect out planet as well. But they failed in protecting our planet and me

because they got seriously injured. So in a last ditch effort to save them I used my powers to bring them to me and we left Nemesis. I

could stillhear Beryl screaming at me as we fled."

"And she came to my planet." said Princess Kakyuu, "Knowing that I was her true friend and knowing that I was without guardian senshi

she brought the Sailor Starlights to me. 'Keep them safe until I can return, if I return' she told me 'If I don't come back then keep them

until one day I can find you.' I tried to protest but she told me of what she knew. She knew that Beryl was using forces from Earth as

well as powers from Metillia so she hurried of to her mother and sister's home on the moon. I never heard from her again until a couple

years ago. But she told me that I mustn't mention her to the other senshi. Any of them or the Starlights either."

Now Princess Kakyuu looked at Yaten, Seiya and Taiki.

"That's one reason why I wanted to come." she told them. "Selena told me it was time to revel the truth."

"And you all know most of what happens next." said Selena.

They all remembered when Selena took them to see what had happened to her.

"But I believe Minako can help us a little here." said Selena.

Everybody turned in surprise at Minako. She sighed.

"Yeah I can." she said, "You all know that before I was Sailor Venus I was known as Sailor V? Well I wasn't the very first scout. Selena

was. Artimis found Selena and she already had her full memories so she helped Artimis find me. When Selena showed up to save me one

day she revealed to me who she was and then she let Artimis take over. That's when I became Sailor V. Selena didn't want to become

famous though. So she was more of the backround help. She knew where all the monsters where, what they were doing, even what

they were looking for. She helped me up until I left England and came here. But before I left she made me promise to never say anything

about herself to the other scouts I would meet. I didn't know that there was going to be other scouts but I trusted her. After that I saw

her once more. Right after we defeated Wise Man."

There was silence as everybody pondered about this.

"So," spoke Haruka, "Then we've seen her before?"

"Yes," nodded Selena, "I'd been trying to help my sister and her daughter defeat Wise Man but I couldn't give too much help because I

had just finished destroying a really tough diamon. So what energy I could give them I did then I fell over. Right before I fainted

completely I heard you and Michiru talking about taking me to Sailor V. Then I woke up in Minako's room a couple hours later. I was

also a student at Mugen for abit but I left and went to Minako's school so that I wouldn't be discoverd. [You're just making shit up as you go along, aren't you?] Afterwards I watched everybody

during the next few battles. I even had to battle a few of the monsters myself. By now Luna knew where I was and everything. She was

the one who told me to hide when Galaxia attacked and she was the one who told me that I couldn't help Usagi when Chaos took

complete control of Galaxia."

Everybody listened and they were silent with awe. They were all thinking about everything that they had been told when Taiki came up

with a question.

"So if we're your guardian senshi," he said to Selena, "Then who guards Princess Kakyuu?"

"Sailor Light Moon does," said Princess Kakyuu, "But so does a sailor senshi known as Sailor Stardust."

"Sailor Stardust?" questioned Usagi.

Princess Kakyuu nodded.

"She disappeared when Sailor Light Moon did. I've been feeling her energy here but I can't pinpoint her location." she said.

"Maybe we can help." suggested Minako, "She might be at Juuban High."

"Thank you," said Princess Kakyuu, "But until I can pinpoint her location I guess we will just have to wait."

"At least Queen Dark Light is gone so we might get peace here now." said Rei

Everybody nodded but Ami was in deep thought.

"Princess Kakyuu," she spoke, "How is Chibi Chibi here? I thought that she was Galaxia's Star Seed."

Princess Kakyuu shook her head.

"Galaxia's Star Seed was inside Chibi Chibi." she explained. "Galaxia sent her star seed off but it went to Chibi Chibi for help. So Chibi

Chibi took it inside of herself and went looking for you."

"So then who is Chibi Chibi?" asked Chibi-usa.

"She is one of a group of sailor senshi in training," said Princess Kakyuu, "From Galaxia's home world. She was sent not too long ago to

become one of my guardian senshi. Even Galaxia knew the Sailor Starlights true origins. But I had told her not to tell. And she was true to

her word, even after she was consumed by Chaos."

"So she sent you your own guardian senshi?" asked Usagi.

Princess Kakyuu nodded.

"Well," said Sailor Light Moon, "Now that we know everything about everyone can I say, um, show you guys something?"

They all nodded, wondering what she was hiding. She powered down and they couldn't believe who it was! Sailor Light Moon was

really Naru (Molly)!

new/exchange/transfer students, kuiper belt, dimande/oc, 5, princess serenity's sister, silver crystal clone, dead/missing/abusive parent(s)

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