[It looks like someone decided to do something good for the Mall's residents - maybe as a morale booster, we need these things in these dark times, yeah? Anyway, there are several different cups of coffee laid out on a table. Nearby is the person responsible, who will pour more cups if needed.
However, anyone from her world could tell you that her coffee has...funny effects on people. Before becoming Queen of Bel, those effects were mostly just horrible caffeine rushes and shaking. Now, though, what exactly might happen is up in the air.
The coffee looks and smells perfectly normal, though.
Have a cup?]
((ooc: You guys know the drill - use ye olde
RNG to get a number between 1 and 11, and that shall be the effect you're stuck with. ... Or choose whichever one you want. o/ Have fun~
1. Red cup: Charmed
2. Yellow cup: Paralyzed
3. Plaid cup: YOU ARE NOW IN CAFFEINE BULLET TIME. The world seems to have slowed down for you (or is it that you're moving at a greater speed than everyone else?)
4. Chipped cup: Your self control is...nonexistent.
5. Blue cup: Silenced.
6. Green cup: You now possess super strength until the coffee wears off. .... Don't lean on the walls, you'll break them.
7. Tan cup: Inspiration strikes and now you must make science happen. Not a mad scientist? TOO BAD, YOU'RE A MAD SCIENTIST NOW. Already a mad scientist? THE URGES ARE THAT MUCH STRONGER.
8. Orange cup: You are now a blabbermouth. You will talk lots and lots. This isn't a "speak the truth and nothing but the truth" situation, you're just going to be talking everyone's ears off.
9. Striped cup: Confused
10. Gray cup: Unaffected
11. Violet cup: Your choice!))