♢ = Shit list.
♢♢ = Bad side.
♢♢♢ = I guess you are okay.
♢♢♢♢ = Maybe we could be friends.
♢♢♢♢♢ = You are a cool guy and you should feel cool.
♢♢♢♢♢♢ = You are the Companion Cube.
fabricaketions ♢♢This is the AI that completely and totally ruined Chell's life beyond repair--the one that trapped her in Aperture Laboratories as a little girl, the one that tested her and tested her and the one that tried rather valiantly to murder her with turrets and fire and neurotoxin.
Chell cannot decide whether or not to hate her.
To say their relationship is complicated is probably an understatement. Mortal enemies, yes. Once. Then they got punched down an elevator shaft, had a fabulous potatoventure and together, (re)discovered Caroline. It was on their trek through Old Aperture and Wheatley Labs that she realized GLaDOS, without the apparent corrupting influence of the control "body", was actually almost sympathetic, and sort of decent for a crazy, homicidal, life-ruining robot. Reasonable enough for them to act as a team, and possibly reach enough of an understanding for Chell to agree to put GLaDOS back in charge of the facility despite past...conflicts. And core transfers. And murders. And attempted murders. Uniting against a common enemy and embarking on a violent, destructive quest for ULTIMATE REVENGE seemed to be the ideal catalyst for animosity to become friendship--of a sort.
Upon waking up on Stacy and realizing that GLaDOS has no memory of their fabulous potatoventure, Chell is more than a little frustrated. On one hand, it's nice that she's not in trouble for making Wheatley the boss (and all the consequences therein). On the other, it means the two have taken a gigantic step backwards in terms of actually getting along, in that they are right back to where they were after Chell killed her that first time.
Shit sucks, man.
makesyoudumb ♢If Chell's dealings with GLaDOS are complicated, her relationship with Wheatley is even more so.
In one respect, the Intelligence Dampening Sphere (something she found out AFTER putting him in charge of Aperture, thanks for that, Weetabix), is much easier to hate, and hate him she does. Whereas GLaDOS had been a lying liar from the beginning, Wheatley was not only friendly and helpful, but arguably trustworthy. For Chell, that meant his betrayal was perhaps the most gut-wrenching thing ever of all time, on-par with being forced to euthanize her beloved Weighted Companion Cube. Their plan had been simple but effective (put Wheaties in charge, escape safely, profit??), and she'd truly believed it was going to work--he (miraculously) broke her out of the testing chambers and they sabotaged GLaDOS too. It was awesome. Freedom was so close she could almost taste it when Wheatley completely lost all his shit and punched her down the very elevator shaft that was supposed to bring her to the surface.
Regarding robots with suspicion is just something she does, and Wheatley was no exception. She was willing, however, to let his apparent selfishness, cowardice, and general disregard for humanity slide when he began to prove himself. Wheatley earned her friendship by doing awesome things like disengaging from his management rail (THEY TOLD HIM HE WOULD DIE AND HE DID IT ANYWAY...), using his flashlight (ALSO UNDER THREAT OF DEATH), rescuing her from testing, and coming up with sick plans to bust up the turrets and the neurotoxin generators (even if she had to do the real work), all of which made his face-heel turn and subsequent attempted murders more EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSING. She did not want to kick his ass or blast him into space, but he became everything she hated and forced her to destroy him. Watching him backslide into complete and total psychotic homicidal paranoid robo-god country was totally sad and basically the worst time ever.
Now that they've been reunited, Chell has a lot of FEELINGS. She can't accept his apology and she can't trust him, because she doesn't know how much of his little villainous episode was the influence of GLaDOS' body, and how much was actually him. For all she knows, Wheatley is and has always been a secret, delusional megalomaniac who turns into a murderous bully the instant he has the power to back it up. She suspects it's a bit of both--he seems to have been programmed just smart enough to have a huge complex about being stupid by design. That in itself is pitiable and probably not good for one's mental soundness, but hell if she's going to let him slide on that excuse, even if he seems back to his old self.
At the moment, she's toting his dumb sphere ass around Stacy, not because she is ready to forgive, forget, and be friends again, but because there are no management rails and she is legitimately petrified of what might happen should someone else get their hands on him and plug him into something important. Keep your friends close, enemies closer and all that.
Deep down, Chell wants to believe that Wheatley is not a traitorous asshole--she tried to save him from SPACE, after all. This is, obviously, much easier said than done.
Martha Jones
atruedoctor ♢♢♢oh my god there are other humans here and they are not dead oh god oh man oh god
facepunching ♢♢♢ARE YOU A WIZARD...
Dexter Grif
outta_this_army ♢♢♢♢why can't i catch all these falling idiots
this is like a chronic problem for me
Jayne Cobb
icanhashat ♢♢♢thank you for the booze
This chart is a continuous work in progress (and is obviously not very serious at the moment)! If your character knows Chell and you'd like to know what she thinks of them, feel free to leave a comment on this entry!