WOOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_________________^
my life for the past few weeks has been completely INSANE, CRAZY, and WONDERFUL!!!!! with a lot of
firsts!. here is the list:
- first concert at penn state! YEAH MOTION CITY SOUNDTRACK!!!!! that was absolutely a fucking crazy night. and i loved it =D props to aaron for getting me in, and kelly and culley too!
- first time clubbing! on a weeknight! which led to: first time coming back at 3 AM on a weeknight. AND first time both feeling AND looking incredibly hot, and using it to my advantage to attract men. and OH MY GOD it was bliss! there was this one guy i danced with for half an hour. seriously. and he knew exactly how i wanted to be touched. it was fucking FANTASTIC!!!! i'm going to remember that for the rest of my life!!!!!
- first time getting incredibly drunk. god, vodka and coke is fucking amazing. went to tiff's party and got pretty smashed. then went to robert's apartment and got even more smashed. played kings and made up this incredible rule for the jack: everyone had to drink whenever anyone said the word "i". which is MUCH MUCH easier to do than you think! so we were all drunk and playing until 7 AM. then i asked robert how long he needed to sober up before driving us back to campus, and he said an hour and a half. so we all went to sleep. the only place for me to sleep, however, was in robert's roommate's bed. because ryan was passed out on the couch, and it was only robert's bed and his roommate's bed. since his roommate's bed was bigger, i picked that one. so yeah, of course this led to my first one-night stand. but yeah, brandon is a wicked awful jerk. he told me he didn't have a girlfriend, but he does. asshole.
- so then people started responding to my facebook profile pic of that night clubbing. like this guy justin that i worked with exactly 1 time. who started flirting with me through facebook chat and inviting me to his wild crazy parties. that i have yet to go to, but. but yeah, he has a girlfriend too. and is flirting with me. >.>
- first time realizing the extent of how much of an asshole jerk cunt elliot is. i applaud myself for how i handled the situation. i didn't weaken, i stayed firm and resolved. and now i have my stuff back. except that he brought back the wrong hat >.< but i will get that back eventually. and then i'll be glad to have him completely out of my life. and with just that one encounter, i realize how much elliot has been stifling my true personality. when i'm with him, i get: angry, pissed off, annoyed, and completely stifled. plus, he was boring. my true self is much more loose and free. and fun-loving and awesome! which is why I'M LIKE A BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
- first date! i mean, i had gone on dates before. but that was with people i was already going out with. this is the first "adult"-style date i've been on. and it was fun! poor robert doesn't know i slept with his roommate. but. i am going to tell him if things get more serious. which they might! but probably not for awhile.
- viola-wise, the most progress i've made on my bow hand! WOO HOOO!!!!!! it's actually functioning quite well right now, most of the time. now i just need to figure out how to do it all the time and not think about it so much! which was another revolution! tim yelled at me for micro-managing everything, hahahahahaha. but it's true. when i perform, i micro-manage, and that screws everything up. i'm now trying to learn how to just go with the flow and FLY LIKE A BIRD!!!!!
- and the absolute, best, fucking great wonderful part of all of this? I'M GETTING A NEW ROOMMATE. THAT'S RIGHT. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY LIFE. erin wants to switch with me despite her jinian reserves. and i get to live with Hitler, apparently. but she seemed nice enough on the phone, and i'm having brunch with her tomorrow. so yeah! unless she's a complete nazi, i'm so moving in with her. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not only does this mean i'm rid of jinian, but i'm also rid of elliot! no more same building and same floor!!!!!!!!! DIFFERENT BUILDING AND DIFFERENT FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!
and yes! there is more. i'm so glad that i met aaron! he let me know that being incredibly honest and open is completely ok and fun. yay! it's ok! everyone was talking about me anyway even though i tried to keep them out of the whole elliot situation. but it's just so much more fun to be in class and yell "i fucked this guy's roommate and have a date with him!" and not care. i don't care what people think of me. and aaron made this possible because he's this way too. nothing bothers him, nothing embarrasses him. he's just completely free, loose, and fun, like a bird! and that is exactly who i am and who i'm going to be. =D