Name: Sam the Redhead
Livejournal Username:
sam_the_redhead E-mail: Dragonluver92 at yahoo dot com
AIM/MSN: Red Dahlia Noir
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: X
Name: Chell
Series: Portal
Timeline: Chapter 6 : The Fall, right before her and POTaTO!GLaDOS land.
Canon Resource Links:
You're not smart. You're not a scientist. You're not a doctor. You're not even a full-time employee! Where did your life go so wrong? Personality:
Chell has been called many things. Unlikable, a loner, an overall horrible, not-good person who has a minor case of severe brain damage. Not to mention the fact that she's apparently fat, but we won't get into the whole weight thing. The truth of the matter is...those are all mostly lies, much like how the reward of cake was a lie. Chell is not a horrible person, suffice to say she isn't necessarily a nice person, but a horrible crazed lunatic bent on murder? No. Chell is not that.
She is also not fat. But again, we're not going to delve into her weight.
Chell is however, an extremely stubborn individual. In fact, she's tenacious, described as being "abnormally stubborn", and has a nasty habit of never giving up on anything. Ever. She has the will to live, and the ability to keep that will even if all odds are against her survival. In fact, her levels in tenacity are so high, the scientists refused to even consider testing her because it would potentially ruin outcomes of test. However, besides her ridiculous levels of stubbornness, Chell is otherwise a relatively normal individual. While she does possess above-average intelligence, it's not enough to call her a genius. And it's most likely not book-smart intelligence either. Rather, she has a somewhat decent grasp of physics (speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out), and she is an extremely quick thinker. She's intelligent enough to solve puzzles that would prove difficult to some, and she knows how to think on her toes especially when her life is on the line. She also pays rather close attention to her surroundings, which is necessary for her tests, and that trait about her is why she's surprisingly still alive to this very day.
Chell can also be described as the "straight man" of her world, a world where everything is ridiculous and loony, and sanity is needed to get one through to the next level. While GLaDOS and Wheatley insist that she is some crazy, brain-damaged fool due to the fact that she simply doesn't respond while they talk to her, the truth is...Chell chooses not to speak because frankly, she's pretty damn annoyed with her situation. Again, this goes with stubbornness, and she knows that by not speaking, the robots who badger her constantly and insult her and put her down will not triumph over her because they will never get the wanted response from her. She's silent because she has to be. She's silent because she's smart enough to know that it would be a waste of time humouring the robots who try to kill her or are just plain annoying. Talking is not necessary when one's life is on the line, and Chell knows that no amount of talking will help her be free from this situation. So, she simply chooses to remain silent. But despite seeming a bit rough around the edges due to her choosing to be silent, there is a slightly more compassionate side to her, as demonstrated by helping the "different" turret, and even the way she treats Wheatley and GLaDOS is similar to the way an annoyed parent deals with their dangerous children. Which odd way to put it considering GLaDOS is a sort of evil!mother figure...or alternatively a malicious scorned ex-lover. Her relationship with the robots, specifically GLaDOS, is rather complicated. There's no real hate in Chell, and the act of "murdering" GLaDOS and (in the future) hurling Wheatley into space was not done out of malicious intent, but rather just the simple animal fact that she wants to survive. And the fact that the two of them (again, specifically GLaDOS) were verbally abuse might've also helped make going against them a bit easier. Sure she might despise them for what they did to her, but again, her relationship with the two of them is complicated. Her relationship with GLaDOS especially. She looks out for herself first a foremost, her situation making her seem rather selfish at points, but understandably so.
All humans have their faults, of course. That's what makes them human...(though all the robots she's met have their fair share of faults as well, but we're not talking about them). So Chell isn't perfect obviously, and there are some problems when it comes to her personality and how it has been affected by the situation she was thrown into. First of all, there's the fact that Chell has demonstrated a nasty habit of becoming attached to inanimate objects. Not so much that she's on par with the Rattman's attachment, but enough so due to the fact that she's been relying on inanimate objects for most of what she can remember of her life. The Companion Cube being a prime and favourite example. While she might not be as attached to it as GLaDOS (and the fandom) let on, there's still the fact that she needed it and the fact that it was necessary to her survival made her develop a small attachment to a child becoming attached to a stuffed animal. Chell is also not quite ready for human interaction just yet. After spending 99999+ days surrounded by nothing but robots, humans are a little bit beyond her range of handling right now, so she might find herself a bit reclusive and confused with people, and not know how to handle them exactly. She can easily handle robots, but's going to be a big step for her, and she will probably come across as shy, and maybe a bit naive. Sometimes, even a bit rude and uncaring. She's not hard to interpret, but the fact that she never really says what's on her mind might have others confused about what this girl's really like.
+quick-thinking, able to solve rather difficult puzzles
+tenacious, never giving up despite difficult-to-near-impossible circumstances
+in pretty decent shape for someone who's been sleeping for a reaaaaaally long time, bathed in cancer-causing goo, shot into space, went one-on-one with maniacal robots, etc. etc.
+thanks to her long fall boots, she can survive falls that would seriously injure or kill anyone who wasn't wearing them
+above average intelligence
+relatively sane considering everything she's been through
-little to no people/social skills
-forms attachments to inanimate objects more easily than the average person
-good chance all that scientific goo she practically bathed in could give her cancer
-her stubbornness is practically abnormal
-good chance that she's not as sane as the normal person
-can be a bit reclusive, kept to herself
no friends
not even loved by her own parents
Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer!
Starter: Aron ♀ (Nicknamed: Turret)
Password: Grape Jelly
First Person Sample:
[the feed opens up to a woman's face. she has some very obvious bedhead, apparently not bothering to smooth it down after waking up in her "house", but other than looking a tiny bit worn down, she doesn't look as confused as some of the other people seemingly thrown into this whole mess. she's not completely nonchalant about it, there is a bit of confusion hiding behind her eyes, and a certain hesitance about the way she's carrying herself at the moment, sitting against a wall, but she isn't freaking out either.
to put it bluntly, she's waken up to stranger things, and as of right now nothing's threatening to kill her (the strangely designed so-called Pokemon "turret" isn't full of bullets ready to shoot her) and there's no sign of any test chambers anywhere. just clean, open air. real air. fresh air. not-recycled air that's being pumped through a building. she's outside.
so yes, she does look slightly...pleased amongst all this confusion.
she's quite obviously sitting somewhere against a building in New Bark Town. there's an Aron sitting in her lap, looking quite annoyed at the fact that its trainer is clutching it to her chest. Chell is obviously quite the social butterfly and had decided that sitting in a random, reclusive corner of town was better than talking to people despite the fact that it's been 999999+ days since she's seen a fellow human. and it's been 999999+ days since she's talked in general.
because ridiculous. she's not sure if she's ready for that just yet. contrary to popular belief, she is surprisingly not brain damaged, and her vocal chords are fully functional. she's just...yeah, not ready. probably won't be for awhile. but typing. yes, typing is good. especially seeing as there aren't any robots here to harass her, making her play the straight man to their insane, homicidal antics.]
I fall, and then I wake up.|
[a pause in the typing. it's obvious she doesn't exactly have anything to say, or at the very least can't think of much to say. she stares blankly at the screen for a bit before typing something else. it should be obvious she's a woman of few words. just like a Pokemon protagonist /sob meanwhile, the Aron continues its deadpan expression at the camera.]
This is different.
I don't think I'll mind.|
Third Person Sample:
Chell had left New Bark Town shortly after waking up to a voice of a mother she was told didn't exist. And, as it turned out, the woman wasn't really her mother, but Chell was used to disappointment in her life so as to not let that bother her all too much. In fact, she didn't exactly seem bothered by much at the moment, with the way she was walking around Route 29, taking in all the sights as her Aron toddled along behind her. She had attempted to carry the thing, as she was used to carrying things, but unfortunately without her Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device and its manipulator holding something that weighed practically as much as her was out of the question.
The not-Turret didn't seem to mind walking though, despite its small legs. In fact, she had been surprised that the thing was able to move on its own without the help of a rail or mechanics. The thing was alive believe it or not, and not in the way robots were alive or the way the Companion Cube was supposedly alive. It was alive the same way a human was alive despite its bulky armored exterior. It also didn't talk. In fact, it was practically silent and Chell welcomed the silence. After having to go through robots talking her ear off, a companion that was quiet and obliging like her familiar Companion Cube was really nice.
Chell stops mid-walk, and the Pokemon following her nearly bumps into the back of her Long Fall Boots. The woman didn't really have any reason to stop, but she did so anyway because. Well. Out of everything she could remember, there was never really a time she could stop. She was always going. Always being made to test, or look up, or jump, or put that cube on the button there, or running away from a robot that practically controlled an entire building. She never ate or slept on her own accord, and while passing out was given as a option, doing so would probably end with her dying. Death was almost always made available to her.
But here she was. Outside, with the sun and fresh air on her skin, with a companion that was practically as silent as she, and no signs of looming danger anywhere. And, what made things even better...besides the device she had been given to communicate with other people (other people!) all in the same situation, and the smooth round objects that were supposedly used to collect more of these creatures, there were no robots and no whirring mechanics.
It'll take awhile for her to get used to all this lack of machinery, but she could feel this freedom all the way down to her toes, and she liked it.