Tigerlily: Well if 1 plus 1 equals 2, and 1 plus 2 equals 3, then what does 1 plus 7 equal?
Beatrice: This is my english homework, not my maths.
Tigerlily: Just answer the question.
Tigerlily: Let's sing a nursery rhyme Bradley.
Bradley: No wanna sing nursey ryme.
Bradley: Not gonna.
Bradley: *giggle* Mama being silly.
Bradley: Yes, pick me up.
Beatrice: I'm just gonna do my own damn homework.
Bradley: Red or green or blue crayon?
Bradley: Ooh, cake!
Bradley: I'm a real boy! Erm, I'm a big boy.
I got Tigerlily a new hairstyle.
Tigerlily: I look so hot right now. Mmm hmm.
Tigerlily: What time are you finishing work?
Neil: Oh, about 5pm. They'll only have the nanny for a few hours.
Tigerlily: Good, cause she's weird.
Bradley: Hey dad! Good to see you.
Neil: Yeah, that new show about the trains is cool. I like trains.
Playing with the train set again. This time he's decorating it.
Aren't they cute?
Bradley: Wanna play Red Hands?
Beatrice: Nah.
Beatrice: Mum & dad are weird.
Beadley: I know, right?
Beatrice: What's with all the B names? And mum's friends from work are old. Like, ancient.
Woo hoo! Promotion.
Beatrice: Come on mum, do the cake already!
Beatrice: Yes! I'm a teenager. *happy dance*
She's kinda pretty. Her lips are enormous though.
*poof* Sexy orange pjs.
Beatrice: This is so much better. Mum said I can finally wear make-up. And, yay, better hair.
Beatrice: I'm going to beat you, twerp.
Bradley: Just you try it. I totally own you at this game.
Beatrice: Don't tip the llama. *holds tongue* I win.
She's at the secret club for games enthusiasts.
Beatrice: Wow, this place is kinda boring.
Beatrice: I love driving dad's car. So much better than a taxi.
A nice family dinner. (Oops I forgot to move the mouse.)
Tigerlily: I will win this match, small boy child.
Bradley: No you won't, mother.
Another promotion.
Awww... conked out.
Tigerlily: Yarghhhhhhhhhh!! *&%^!#@$%^@$%&!
Tigerlily: This is sooo the last baby we're having.
Welcome to the world, Bailey.
Neil: Yeah, I got a new baby boy. He's cute.
Random kid: Yo, Bradley, catch!
Bradley: Dang it! Alright.
Beatrice: He works at the theater. Stop asking questions mother!
Random teen: It's all good. You pretty.
Bailey grew up to a very cute toddler.
Chance card. I pick the first one.
Woo, yes! I got it right.
Bailey likes being held.
Tigerlily: Let's learn a nursery ryhme, Bailey.
Bailey: Okay.
Bradley brought this girl home with him.
Beatrice: I feel very bubbly today.
Girl: BANG!
Bradley: *squeal* Argh!
Hello there cuteness!
Neil: Story time!
Bailey: *plop* Yay!
Neil: I am so bitching in this new uniform.
Bailey: Muah hahahahahahahahahahaha!
I think Bailey might just be a little evil.
This is Bea's new friend. He's very individual.
Bailey: Oh yeah, I can walk. I can walk good.
Neil is flying through these promotions.
Tigerlily: Nursery rhyme time!
Bailey: Bleech.
Bailey: Glowing bottle taste good.
Bailey: I walk even better now I can be glowy.
Bailey: Careful, I need my head.
Tigerlily: Woo. You can walk all by yourself now. Go Bailey.
Tigerlily: Hey, now when you talk I will be able to understand you.
Looking pretty, Tigerlily.
Tigerlily: Peek-a-boo
Bailey: *giggles*
Seriously, he totally had a giggle fit when he was playing Peek-a-boo.
I love the floor blankets.
Bailey: *snore* Zzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzz
Family study time! They were doing this whilst Bailey was sleeping.
Beatrice: Hah! I am smarted than a fifth grader.
Beatrice: And all.... that.... jazz....
Bea brought this fellow home from school.
Beatrice: Ew ew ew ew ew eeuww.
Dude: Smokin'
Beatrice: You know, I'm really nto inot you in the way.
Beatrice: TICKLE TORTURE!!!!
A little family gathering with a few friends.
Group: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Bailey. Happy birthday to you.
Bradley: My turn!
Brad all grown up.
Omg, heart-breaker much.
Brad brought this girl home She's one of my sims from another family.
Ooh, challenge card. I'll go for the salad. Likelyhood of food posioning is less.
Yay! Got it right.
Just a friendly game of chess.
Bradley: I'm going to checkmate you.
Promotion! Tigerlily this time.
Tigerlily: I got a promotion. Uh-huh uh-huh. *dances*
A little game of punch-you punch-me with the work colleague.
Beatrice: Ew. Worst shift ever!
Neil cooked chilli con carne. He didn't win. Chef hat did. Damn lobster.
Tigerlily: Om nom nom nom. I think it tastes wonderful honey, if not slightly over-cooked.
That's all for now. Sorry it's been so long.