Benefits of Blogging . For many those are serious to make money from there blogs they must first get themselves the awareness that there are some benefits attached to blogging and knowing these benefits will in know small way help the blogger particularly a first timer to get off the starting blocks and make head way.
Below are listed some great benefits to get out of blogging in order of importance, with little note on each area that is talked about.
One of the great benefits of blogging I find too hard to believe is the relative low cost of setting it up. It is too cheap to set up, that you will find it very hard to believe but it is true, just look for one and log in you will find it so.
Your blog roll will look at you with admiration as an expert in your chosen area of blogging, since you hold some vital information they don’t have, you are considered an expert.
You build a reputation from your blog of someone that is highly rated, especially if your blogroll members are very vocal about your comments and views on issues you raise.
With your blog you can become a force to be reckoned with in your niche or specialization market.
Your blog will help you to develop the kind of public relations you need from your members as you will become something of public relations media practitioner.
Your blog will give you a competitive edge over your co competitor, and this will stand you apart from the crowd.
Blogs afford you the opportunity to directly linked with those that matter to you; you get direct access to them
Your blog allows you to be seen on the search engines and if your blog is very good you will be rated on the top page of the site like
google etc.
Lastly your blog roll will help put you and your product on a different level, for it allows you to brand your product and services.