Title: You Win or You Hide,
The Adventures of Charlie and Chuck in the Mysterious Kingdom
Author: reading_is_in
Rating: PG
Chars: Charlie, Chuck, Crowley, ensemble.
Pairings: (later) Cas/Dean, Charlie/Anna
Genre: Crack, Adventure, AU
Disclaimer: characters belong to Eric Kripke/CW, who love fanfic. Any similarity of setting to G.R.R.M’s Game of Thrones is certainly not co-incidental, but easily constitutes fair use. Not for profit.
Summary: The Good King is dead, and the cunning Lord Crowley holds the realm. The legendary Knights Winchester are sent away by tricker, and Charlie Bradbury, Page, and Chuck Shurley, jester, have one hope: to find the Knights, and with their aid restore the true Prince Castiel to the North.
A/N:I have no idea how this happened. Wait, actually, I have a pretty good idea. This is what happens when I get sucked into Game of Thrones whilst desperately awaiting Season 9 of Supernatural. Semi-crack AU. Probably ¾ crack tbh.
3. Charlie Previous Parts:
1. Charlie 2. Chuck