Post any comment you want, and post it anonymously. Anything. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like. Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.
En mi corazon, yo se que necesito escribir algo profundo; que necesito hacer algo especial para mi, que no puedo ser completo sin hacerlo. Me duele el corazon cada dia a causa de esto. Yo quiero llorar porque en realidad no se lo que necesito hacer, lo que necesito crear para ser completo.
I've gone back through November 1st, 2001 and changed all of the entries that I felt needed to be kept private to friends-only. Tomorrow night, I will finish up as much of the rest as possible.