Domestication: Taxes (388 words)
Domestication Series Timeline Deciding to use divide-and-conquer tactics on the intimidating stack of paperwork, Kuwabara separated it into two piles and handed the top half to Yuusuke, then got to work. The room was silent aside from the sound of shuffling papers and pens scratching as they filled in all the little boxes and crammed too-long answers on too-small lines. Kuwabara was done with his first page when Yuusuke got stuck on his, only a few questions in.
Chewing on the end of his pen, Yuusuke stared down at the choices for "Marital Status" on the form: Single, Married, Separated, Widowed, Divorced. He sure as hell wasn't single, but they weren't married either. It was like the stupid form was taunting him with its close-minded categories - like whoever made the damned thing didn't think anything else was possible. Like 'Gay and Settled, thank-you-very-much'. Scowling, Yuusuke looked over to where Kuwabara was sitting, filling out questions that had been buried deep within the bowels of the paperwork with no problem.
Bastard probably got all the easy questions in his half.
"Oi, Kuwabara," Yuusuke said, and continued after the redhead looked over at him, attention gotten. "What am I supposed to pick for 'Marital Status', d'you think? None of th' stupid choices here work."
"Uh, what about 'other'?"
"Not there - it's basically just 'single' or 'married'."
Frowning at the paperwork scattered across the table, Kuwabara shook his head and held his hand out. "Here, lemme take a look at it."
Yuusuke surrendered the offending piece of paper without protest - he certainly wouldn't complain if Kuwabara wanted to do more than his allocated half of the paperwork. He watched the redhead as he concentrated on reading the instructions carefully, watched the man's confusion turn to annoyed frustration, and then to something like rebellion.
Scribbling something on the paper, Kuwabara grinned at Yuusuke as he handed it back. "There, fixed it."
Underneath the five choices printed on the form Kuwabara had squeezed another, in carefully neat handwriting, and checked the box he'd drawn beside it.
Yuusuke let out a snort of amused laughter, and grinned back at Kuwabara. "Yeah, guess you did." Smiling now, the youkai looked at that question one more time, feeling all warm and fluttery inside as he read "With life-partner" written next to a checked box, in defiance of social norms.