Blah blah tl;dr KB does too much etc etc. Will be updated as and when I feel like it.
home & the multiverses ℵ good omens + others.
Known by millions of names (all of which Crowley is aware of), but more pointedly known better as the literal manifestation of War him/herself. Basically, no words can really describe Crowley's feelings to War being around in Death City. On one hand, he really doesn't want to bother too much about this because this is really not his business, but on the other hand he's already stopped the freaking apocalypse for humans and he really has no desire to see it happen again any time soon. War is really sort of kind of his boss's relative or something and he really can't help but be wary of her - even if other demons would have respected. But Crowley has long since stopped being a demon, even if he won't admit it to himself.
For now he's keeping an eye on War and watching her movements, and deciding if he needs to do anything - so far things seem okay, but Crowley can't lie to himself - this is War he's talking about, and he knows its only a matter of time before she attempts something or does something. He just hopes that one way or another he can prevent it, because as much as this is all annoying he doesn't like to see another world plunged into war after having saved his own.
The illusionist, much more well known in another world compared to his own. He's met her several times in his work when he was forced to go world-hopping under Hell's payroll, and they're on fairly amiable terms even if they don't see eye to eye over a couple of rather important issues or something like that. Still, they're getting along about as well as a top-notch magician and a demon can get. To be honest, it is a bit of a surprise for Crowley that she's here - but not one that he won't appreciate, and unexpected as it is, Crowley is glad to have something of a familiar face around in this place. Manchester knows that he needs it, what with everything that's happening. She's pretty much the only person he can trust right now, and that's saying something.