The following people need to keep their eyes open for packages........ Stacey M, Amy, Sharon, Christy, Doug, Mum and Dad (Via E and F. ), Josie, Tabitha, Roni. Thank you and goodnight!
Is there anyone on my friends list who lives in Holland, Belgium or Germany, who has a room available for a couple and daughter I know for about a month, or can in the next two weeks help them find a place to live? They're moving back from Ireland.
“One of the secrets of getting more done is to make a TO DO List every day, keep it visible, and use it as a guide to action as you go through the day.” - Jean de La Fontaine
but avoiding LJ while there is four pages of Children of Earth backlog each day to wade through. I'm trying to avoid being spoilered, not that I dont' get a pretty good idea that something happens mind you....
I used to have links to line art and logo stuff and images I really wanted to turn into a logo.....
now i'm looking at the desktop and wishing I had my laptop links, as for the life of me i can't remember a lot of the links names. And I had licence-free archives on there too.