Onto what kind of clothing, and what is on the disc and where would it be worn? And I don't really know who Liberace is, and having just Googled his name, and seen the word "shiny" associated with him makes me cradle and cherish my ignorance on this subjet.
How else to explain? Basically, it gives the impression that your clothing is covered in glittering fish scales. You are so lucky to live in your ignorance. Please forget whatever you have learned here.
Well... If you've found a dress you like while shopping with her and she disagrees, give her an emotional speech of how you've always pictured yourself walking down the aisle in a dress like that. Or hide from her and buy it.
Actually, the husband-to-be knows my tastes and I'm dragging him along to back me up. :) Since it's the chinese dress (only for the reception) and not the white dress (for the ceremony), I'm not concerned with bad luck -- and he can say "no" to his mother much easier than I can.
Oh no. Has to be in lucky colors, you see. So it's all red, except for the golden phoenix down the front. If nothing else, I wouldn't have to worry about being hit by a car.
Don't hate me, but I think that sounds utterly fabulous. I mean, you'd look like a drag queen, but nearly everyone looks like a drag queen on her wedding day anyway.
I'm sorry, I've never been accused of having taste.
Ha! It's not really the dress that's the problem. On someone else, it would be fabulous. However, when I told my finace what his mother was suggesting he said, "My mother just likes flashy stuff, whereas you're more..." I guessed, "Understated?" "That's exactly the word I was looking for."
Comments 34
Onto what kind of clothing, and what is on the disc and where would it be worn? And I don't really know who Liberace is, and having just Googled his name, and seen the word "shiny" associated with him makes me cradle and cherish my ignorance on this subjet.
You are so lucky to live in your ignorance. Please forget whatever you have learned here.
I'm sorry, I've never been accused of having taste.
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