They really aren't kidding with this whole milk yoghurt. Usually I get the low-fat no-fat stuff, but this! This is hardcore! I just ate 3 oz worth and now I feel like I'll never need to eat again.
"Life in Lubbock, Texas, taught me two things: One is that God loves you and you're going to burn in hell. The other is that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on earth and you should save it for someone you love." -Butch Hancock
Just randomly stumbled across this whilst searching for something else. Gosh darn, but I do love the internet.
Here's a fun little comics anthology for you all. Go forth and check it out. Have you ever seen such a list of contributors? Zounds. (Yes I'm in there.)
Hello, friends. My friend Alice's film is opening this weekend in NYC and L.A. (next weekend in Boston). Please go see it and tell all your friends how incredibly awesome it was.
Calling all comics peeps! Does anyone have a copy of The Comics Journal #266 (most recent issue) hanging around? I just found out via a Poopsheet review, that I was also reviewed in TCJ (I'm guessing in "Minimalism"). Anyone read it?