Erf. I hear yah, but they have a reason for their policy. Liability insurance starts becoming very expensive otherwise. I can imagine that you already talked to the route manager, and gave him the skinny. Hard to accept, but yeah... you are probably looking for another job in the near future.
They say that change is good... but stability is always a good thing too.
Is the per-12-months thing a sliding window, or reset at fixed points?wolfwingsSeptember 15 2009, 17:20:42 UTC
Just a random idea, but if you've been working there just over a year now, is there any chance the 'every 12 months' thing reset on your date-of-hire since I'd imagine that's when they had to start your liability insurance for driving the truck?
Re: Is the per-12-months thing a sliding window, or reset at fixed points?snapcatSeptember 15 2009, 19:02:43 UTC
I have come to accept that I am out of a job. anything outside of that is 'grasping at straws'. Really it would take a miracle for me to keep this job. I am not betting on it
Man. I'm sorry to hear that Snap. No chance you could pay the van repair yourself and not have the accident reported? I know you aren't supposed to do that, but I've known a lot of truckers that have.
I hope that you are able to find another job that you can enjoy as much. *hugs*
I reported it right away. I follow procedure to the "T". is why I dont expect corporate to not do the same. I am doing the same. heck, building fursuits full time would be awesome actually. I just wish the interest was there for others.
Comments 28
They say that change is good... but stability is always a good thing too.
I am being realistic. Procedure is there for a reason and that is why I am trying to take it like a man. I screwed up... simple cause and effect.
I hope that you are able to find another job that you can enjoy as much.
I am doing the same. heck, building fursuits full time would be awesome actually. I just wish the interest was there for others.
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