Wow, LJ... A lot has changed. I don't quite remember how to navigate my Friends page... (._.)a The 'View Users Only' is confusing me; I think the 'View Journals Only' label for that filter makes better sense.. but that's just me.
What's new on this front?
Not much, I think..
- I had about 5 or six inches of my hair cut off a couple of months ago. It still feels weird to have much shorter hair. :/
- I started watching "Tiger & Bunny" (although I'm just a lurker in the fandom for now).
- I started reading American comics again, particularly "Green Hornet" and "Batman" comics.
- Then I watched the 2011 "Green Hornet" movie-- and now I am HOOKED on this fandom. (KATO~<3<3<3 I still prefer the comics-verse though)
- I locked my personal Twitter because of certain RL circumstances. I can't write about them in detail right now because I'm still trying to make sense of and come to terms with them.
- I had to wait almost a month until I could afford to get the damaged charger of my laptop replaced... The upside is that I managed to get it at 20% discount because a previous buyer returned the charger to the store I went to because it wasn't compatible with their computer. The downside is that I am now Php 4120.00 poorer... (;~;)
I meant to upload this last month but the time I finished coloring it was around the time my laptop's charger decided to burn itself. :/
*** LJ hates me.. If the formatting of this entry is all screwy, I will fix it tomorrow later. I'm sleepy going to bed now. o/