Title: Easy As 1, 2, 3
scarysnapeyPairing: Severus/James
Word Count: 100 (each)
Rating(s): G
Challenge: #336: Count 1, 2, 3
A/N: You could read them seperately, but they go together. :)
"One more time, Snivillus, and I swear I'll punch you." James growled.
Snivellus was acting odd, not responding to James's taunts or even his punches. And now he wanted to talk?
"Listen," Severus said, grabbing James's shoulder again. "You'll want to hear what I've got to say."
James turned around slowly, even the tone of Severus's voice was different. Devoid of defiance, his tone was pleading, nothing more.
"Fine. What is so important?"
Severus took a deep breath. Suddenly, 'I bring a warning from the future.' didn't sound like it was going to be enough.
"In about five years..."
"Two decades later and I'm still making up for it. By protecting your son."
"My son..." As Severus spoke, James had passed from disbelief, to denial, to acceptance. Now his eyes seemed far away as he contemplated his son. "What is he like?"
"He looks like you. Your spitting image, actually. But his eyes... he has his mother's bright green eyes. And he is very much his own man at heart."
"Green eyes," James mumbled.
"Just... please. Remember what I said."
"I will."
"And maybe... extend 'young me' a hand of friendship, or something? It could make all the difference."
Three years later, Severus will wake in the middle of the night because his arm no longer bears the weight of the mark.
James listened.
The feeling will free Severus, and consequences of altering the past will seem inconsequential.
He and James will lock eyes, once, on the day of Harry's graduation. James will lift his hand in gratitude.
Severus will nod, and turn away. Pretending not to love him hasn't been easy.
He will feel a hand on his shoulder. James's hand.
"Two decades later, you are redeemed."
This will not be enough, but Severus will try to smile.