Title: All It's Really About
Characters/Pairings: Nymphadora Tonks, Andrew Kirke
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #6: Irritation @
tonks_100 & A @
minorhp100Author's Notes: This is the last one. XD Promise. I think I'm gonna have to make a little list for this mini-series.
The Whole Series Tonks was never really sure how it happened. It just seemed to develop after that. Everything about Andrew that she had found irritating, his overbearing personality, his lack of manners, his bluntness, went from nerve grating to endearing. She didn’t mind having him intrude upon her lunch. She didn’t tense at his touch. She had even started to think of him as Andrew instead of Kirke.
Remus was still on her mind. She loved him. She probably always would. But Andrew was a comfort. He was willing to take the risk, and, in the end, that’s all it’s really about.