Title: Born From Necessity
Characters/Pairings: Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, James Potter
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Marauders’ Map @
marauder100Rating: G
The door to the 4th year dorms slammed shut as James Potter stormed in.
“Who was it this time?” Peter asked, not looking up from the chess game.
“Filch...” James muttered, flopping on his four poster. “I didn’t even hear him coming.”
“Checkmate,” Remus said, moving his knight.
“That’s...fifty-three games to naught. Be nice next time, Moony. Let me win. What did you get?”
“Trophy room, again.”
“Guys, I’ve been thinking,” Peter started, ”we’re only ever caught when we don’t see someone coming, right?”
“What if there was a way that we could always see them coming?”