Title: A Year Later
Characters/Pairings: Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Marauders’ Map @
marauder100Rating: G
Peter looked across the common room at the tired and drawn face of his fellow 5th year, Remus Lupin. It was an especially hard month for Remus, he knew. Blue moons times were hell on werewolves, but still, Remus was working as diligently as ever. “Moony, mate?” Peter called.
Remus lifted his gaze, smiling weakly. He and Peter were the only ones in the common room at the moment, so they were able to talk freely, “Aye, Pete?”
“Have you got the list of provisional wards compiled yet?”
Remus smiled, withdrawing a scrap of parchment from his inner robe pocket.