Title: Just The Facts, Ma’am
snape_babiesCharacters: Luna Lovegood
Word Count: 100
Challenge: The Value of Wit @
luna100Rating: G
Author's Notes: Forgive me for the title. XD;
Luna was called an eccentric, a weirdo, a nutcase, a screwball, and more than any other...loony. But there’s a saying that goes there’s a thin line between being a nut and being a genius. Luna just liked to push that line as far back as she could.
Hermione glared, “Heliopathes are just mythology.”
And they called her smart....
“That’s what muggles say about Dragons.”
Just because there was no proof didn’t mean something didn’t exist. Anyone who limits their understanding of reality by constraining it to matters of fact will only be able to know half of the world.