Title: Doesn’t Need Me
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Lyrics @
minorhp100Team: Badgers
Author’s Notes: “So tired/Tired of waiting for you/I was a lonely soul/I had nobody till I met you/But you keep me waiting all of the time/What can I do?” - Tired Of Waiting For You by Green Day
Ginny was surprisingly quiet on the train ride home. Luna was a little afraid to talk to her because of the way her eyelids weren’t completely closed as she stared at the floor. Neville was the first to break the silence.
“Why aren’t we sitting with Ron, Harry, and Hermione? You’d think they’d need us right now.”
“Harry doesn’t need us. He certainly doesn’t need me,” Ginny growled out in response. “Seven years. Seven bloody years...”
Luna frowned softly as she glanced over at Neville, “Girl stuff,” She sighed, leading Ginny out of the compartment.
Neville just blinked in confusion.