Title: Death Isn’t So Bad
Characters: Moaning Myrtle, Draco Malfoy
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Lyrics @
minorhp100Team: Badgers
Author’s Notes: Try thinking more if just for your own sake/The future still looks good/And you've got time to rectify/All the things that you should - Think For Yourself By The Beatles
“It’s doing you no good to cry...” Myrtle said as she settled next to the huddled mass for about the hundredth time that year. “Just laying here...”
“But there’s nothing else I can do... I have to finish what I was charged with,” Draco whimpered, his voice muffled from where his head with buried in his knees.
“You could always...not do it,” Myrtle said softly.
“He’ll kill me!”
“Death isn’t so bad...” Myrtle whispered. “You could always come and stay with me.”
“Heh. Maybe, Myrtle. Maybe... I might not have a choice.”
“But you do, Draco. You have a choice.”