Title: Tender Expressions
Characters: Percy Weasley, Demelza Robins
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: D @
minorhp100Team: Badgers
Author’s Notes: I said I’d make it up to him.
Demelza whimpered as she smacked into the back of someone nearly three times her size, clutching her satchel to her chest. The first year squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for another outburst like the ones she’d gotten from the other upperclassmen she’d bumped into.
“Do you need something?” The voice was surprisingly gentle. “Are you lost?”
Opening her eyes, she was greeted by an amused, yet tender expression framed by a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles. She nodded slowly, her eyes drifting to the pin on his shoulder: ‘Head Boy’.
“Maybe I can help. Which class are you looking for?”