Round 02 - Challenge 06 - Results

May 20, 2008 00:40


- jadedanielle [06 votes]

- semi_subtle [06 votes]

Please stick around for voting! ♥
People's choice:

- banana53080 [05 votes]






[N = Negative votes & P = Positive votes]

01] - lunglock - N = 4/P = 2
[x] "The colouring is a little bit light and looks very blotchy on my monitor, and the awkward crop makes the icon look a little unbalanced and empty."
[x] "His face is a bit too blue, and the colour/texture thing going on in the background isn't flattering."
[x] "The image is too dark, and the colors seem washed out. "
[x] "The cropping of the icon takes away from the image."
[x] "original crop, the focus is on his hand. nice!"
[x] Positive [No comment]

02] - banana53080 - N = 2/P = 5
[x] "a bit too feels like it needs a brush or text, something to add to it"
[x] "A bit oversharpened. I hate when people say that all it looks like you did was desaturate the icon, but that's what it seems like. If you are going to go for black and white, at least get as much out of the coloring as you can. It doesn't seem like black and white was used very effectively."
[x] "I love the crop, and the black and whiteness of the icon. Good, crisp detail, and the contrast is perfect, not too dark, and not too light. Lovely."
[x] "Nice crop. Very nice contrast."
[x] "Love the cropping and the simplicity."
[x] Positive [No comment]
[x] Positive [No comment]

03] - irdamajere - N = 4/P = 0
[x] "too dark, shadow detail is lost"
[x] "could use more contrast with his face"
[x] "The icon is rather dark, his face is so shadowy you can barely see it. The colouring is rather bland too."
[x] "The image is really dark."

04] - semi_subtle - N = 6/P = 1
[x] "Needs more contrast."
[x] "not sharpened enough"
[x] "the cropping is unflattering, especially to his face"
[x] "coloring is dull. Seems to lack some contrast."
[x] "the picture could need a bit more contrast, too dull."
[x] "The crop is awkward."
[x] Positive [No comment]

05] - jadedanielle - N = 6/P = 3
[x] "I like the idea, and kudos for dong something other than just a crop. Unfortunately, the image itself is very pixelly around the edges on my monitor, and the colours are overly orange to the point where everything looks kind of burnt."
[x] "over-sharpened"
[x] "The texture is lovely, butt Snape is way too over sharpened."
[x] "the icon looks really oversharpened, especially his face is somewhat distorted now."
[x] "While the texture is pretty it distracts from the image."
[x] "There's too much going on, it's hard to discern what the intent of the icon is. Also the image has been too pixelated."
[x] "I like how the whole image is there, rather than just a side crop."
[x] Positive [No comment]
[x] Positive [No comment]

Participants Status
The following people are still in the contest. If you're name is not in this list, it means you have been eliminated/disqualified.


Thank you to all who participated in the challenge and voting ^_^
As we had so many unexpected disqualifications this week, this means the next challenge will be the final O_O! I'll post it ASAP =]

round 02, results

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