FIC: Meeting Voldemort (PG)

Jan 20, 2023 00:00

Title: Meeting Voldemort
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Two
Characters: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Voldemort
Author: goddess47
Rating: PG
Click to View [Warning(s)]Brief reference to possible murder of innocents.
Summary: While it was an invitation to lunch at Malfoy Manor, it was more than that for Severus.

Severus looked at himself in the mirror, ignoring the crack that ran across the left corner. He had donned his one set of good robes, since Malfoy had indicated that he should look his best for the meeting. He had taken the time last night to sew on some buttons that had been loose, to make sure nothing came apart today. He could have used his magic but his Mam had taught him that sometimes the Muggle was way the best.

He had finished Hogwarts just over a week ago and he was scheduled to start his Potions Mastery study in two weeks. He was living alone at Spinners End for the three weeks that he had nowhere else to go.

His Mam had been summoned by Great-Aunt Hannah Smythe, who also had been disowned by the Prince family but for reasons unknown. But Great-Aunt Hannah had enough money to her name that Tobias could not stop his wife from obeying.

Tobias was off 'to the south' - supposedly on a new job but more likely on another bender with his so-called friends. They were all good friends until the money ran out.

However, being alone in the house allowed Severus a chance to breathe.

Severus left the house to go to the local apparition point. He went to Diagon Alley and then to the Leaky, to use the Floo.

He paid the barman five sickles for the needed Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. "Malfoy Manor" he called firmly.

Severus stepped out of the fireplace into a small but elegant room. A House Elf was stationed there.

"Wait for Master." The elf instructed before popping away.

Malfoy came into the room a few minutes later, giving Severus a chance to make sure there was no soot on his robes and that nothing was astray.

"Snape," Lucius greeted him.

"Malfoy." Severus gave a small nod.

"Good of you to join us," Malfoy said politely. "Come with me."

Severus felt the brush of wards as he left the room. Malfoy Manor was large, airy, elegant - and faintly sterile. As shabby as Spinners' End was, it at least felt like lived in. Malfoy Manor felt like a Muggle museum. A thought Severus kept to himself, considering the purpose of this meeting.

"The others are in the Parlor," Malfoy indicated as he guided Severus to the meeting room. It was light and airy, showing a woman's touch. The decor was less sterile than what he had seen in the halls and the other public rooms. This might be a room that was used by Narcissa and Lucius when they were alone, as well as when they had guests.

There were half a dozen men, most of whom Severus barely knew. He knew Crabbe from Hogwarts but he had not spent time with some of the others.

Malfoy guided him over to a trio on one side of the room. "Gentlemen. Antonin Dolohov, Rabastan Lastrange, Rodolphus Lastrange. May I introduce Severus Snape?"

Severus nodded a greeting to each of the others.

"Severus will be going off for his Potions Mastery soon," Lucius said.

"That is commendable," Dolohov agreed. "Who will you be studying with?"

"Potions Master Aloysius Vloeistof," Severus replied.

"A good man," Rabastan nodded.

"I was pleased to be accepted by him," Severus agreed.

"Will you be doing the one year program?" Rabastan asked.

"Master Vloeistof has indicated that if I do well, he is willing to extend the program for an additional six months," Severus admitted.

In Wizarding England, Mastery training was anywhere from six to twenty-four months, depending on the subject. Potions Mastery training was usually for twelve months but specialty training was eighteen to twenty-four months. Rumor was that the time line was different outside of England, but Severus hadn't had a chance to look into that.

"That means you show promise," Rodolphus put in.

Severus knew he needed to balance the need to brag about his ability and show his deference to these men. "I would like to think so," he said.

"A Potions Master would be an asset to the Cause," Dolohov said to the others.

"That is true," Rodolphus nodded.

Malfoy came over.

"I need to steal Severus from you," Malfoy said. "He needs to meet the other guests."

"If you will excuse me," Severus said to the men around him. "Good to meet you."

"Good to meet you," Dolohov replied.

Malfoy guided Severus to the other small group.

"You know Crabbe," Malfoy said. Severus nodded at the other man. "Walden McNair, Obstrepan Nott. May I introduce Severus Snape?"

Severus wondered if this was Crabbe's first meeting with these men or if he had been here before. Crabbe had barely graduated from Hogwarts, earning the minimal three O.W.L.s and only one N.E.W.T. - and the rumor was that he had barely earned a passing grade. But a single N.E.W.T. was required for any Ministry position.

Although Severus knew any cause needed foot-soldiers, where Crabbe could possibly excel.

"Gentlemen," Severus nodded his head at the other men.

"Good to see you, Snape," Crabbe said.

"Good to see you," Severus replied.

"Crabbe tells us you are good at Potions?" McNair said.

"I am going on for my Mastery," Severus replied. "I start my program in two weeks."

"Good for you!" McNair said. "I was pants at Potions."

"Everyone is good at different things," Severus temporized.

"Severus was a swot," Crabbe laughed. "How many N.E.W.T.s did you earn?"

"Four," Severus admitted. "Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, and Muggle Studies."

"Muggle Studies?" McNair asked, puzzled. "Why would anyone study that?"

"It is always useful to understand what is going on outside the Magical world," Severus replied. "There are things they have that could be useful, but adapting them to the Magical world would take skills I do not have."

"Like what?" Nott asked.

"The telly," Severus replied, having prepared for that question. "Television, actually. There is news and entertainment that would be enjoyable to anyone."

"Muggle entertainment?" McNair frowned. "How good could it be?"

Severus shrugged. "You would have to experience it for yourself to decide. But there is a variety of programs, including comedy, drama, music, and education. It is not difficult to find something of interest."

"Bah!" McNair sneered. "It is a sad day when a man cannot entertain himself."

Severus thought back to The Buddy Holley Story movie he had watched yesterday in the theatre. A story based on the life of a Rock and Roll icon would not be something McNair would appreciate, although Severus had enjoyed the story and the music.

"It simply expands a man's options," Severus said mildly.

"There is power in understanding one's enemies," Malfoy put in easily. "Come. Lunch is ready."

The group moved to the next room, where a table was set for eight.

A tall, handsome man in dark red, almost black, robes sat at the head of the table.

"Snape. Please, sit here," Malfoy indicated the seat to the right of the seated man.

"I am honored," Severus replied, standing behind the chair.

"Lord Voldemort, may I introduce Severus Snape," Malfoy said.

"Sir. I am pleased to meet you," Severus replied with a small bow. He waited for a nod from Malfoy before he sat down.

Sitting next to Voldemort, Severus could feel an aura of power that was unlike any of the others in attendance. Voldemort sat at ease in the chair and looked Severus over. The look gave Severus a small chill.

"I understand you are going on for a Potions Mastery," Voldemort said as the meal appeared on the table.

Severus nodded. "I am," he replied. "I am looking forward to learning more about brewing and how to brew more advanced potions."

"Have you successfully brewed Veritaserum?" Voldemort asked.

"I have," Severus replied. "It was one of the requirements Master Vloeistof had before he would accept me as an apprentice."

"Isn't Vloeistof a Muggle-born?" Voldemort asked.

"I have heard that, but I have not ascertained that information," Severus temporized. "He is a member in good standing of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers, which I have verified, and has published articles recently in Potions Monthly."

Voldemort sat back and thought through the information. Severus waited. He didn't look Voldemort in the eye, knowing the man was skilled in Legilimancy. Not that Severus had anything to hide, but his Half-Blood status might hold him back among the Pure Blood applicants to the Cause. If the subject was not broached, Severus could pretend to be whatever was needed.

"Needs must," Voldemort sighed. "I understand you are interested in joining my Cause."

Severus nodded. "You have a powerful agenda and worthy goals. I would hope to be an asset to the Cause."

It had to be a good answer, since Voldemort nodded. He turned to Malfoy who was seated opposite Severus at the table.

"I will accept Mr. Snape as a member but I think I would like to have him complete his Mastery before I give him my Mark," Voldemort said. "And we will need to consider what Mr. Snape's final task should be. He needs to be able to brew some... delicate potions for us and he would not be able to do so with the standard task."

Malfoy nodded.

"See that Mr. Snape gets an allowance of, hmmm, let us say one hundred Galleons a month while he is studying," Voldemort went on. "He can repay that to the Cause in the form of potions."

Severus thought it was interesting that Malfoy's eyes went wide momentarily.

"One hundred Galleons, My Lord?" Malfoy repeated. It wasn't quite a protest.

Oh! Severus realized the money must be coming from Malfoy's personal vault. Interesting.

"Even as a student, Mr. Snape will need equipment and his own potions ingredients to experiment with," Voldemort said firmly. "And if he will be brewing for us, that will require ingredients, also."

"That is not necessary, sir," Severus put in. He had to make at least a token protest.

"Consider it an investment in your future," Voldemort said, waving a hand. "You will need to give a small vow to honor the repayment, of course."

"Of course," Severus replied faintly.

"Good! Then it is settled," Voldemort said. "Please, enjoy your meal."

With that, Voldemort stood and left the room.

"Please, eat," Malfoy directed as the door closed behind Voldemort.

The food was excellent and Severus mostly listened as the other men talked about general topics. Severus understood that they would not talk about the workings of the Cause until he received the Mark from Voldemort.

He briefly wondered what the Task was to earn the mark, for there was a very short list of things a Potions Master could not do and still continue to brew. Murder of an innocent was the most serious action on that list and he wondered for a moment if each of these men had committed that act. He shook his head slightly. He would not follow that thought.

"Come to my office, Snape," Malfoy said after dessert. "I will need your vow to repay the money you will be given."

"I should not need one hundred Galleons a month," Severus offered.

"Our Lord has indicated that is the amount you are to be give, so it will be done," Malfoy replied firmly.

There was a parchment on Malfoy's desk with 'suggested' verbiage for the vow. Malfoy looked at it and rubbed his forehead. He handed it to Severus.

"Do you have any objections?" Malfoy asked.

Severus read the words, then shook his head. "I do not."

"Then proceed."

Severus took out his wand, read off the words on the parchment and added, "So Mote It Be."

A small flash of light flowed between the two men.

"We will be in contact with you," Malfoy said. "Dobby!"

"Master Lucius called?" Dobby asked as he popped into the room.

"Escort Mr. Snape to the Floo," Malfoy directed.

"This way," Dobby indicated as he bounced on his toes.

"Thank you for having me today," Severus gave a small bow toward Malfoy.

"You are welcome." But the answer was perfunctory as Malfoy turned to other parchments on his desk.

Dobby led the way to the Floo. The others had either already left or were waiting for Severus to leave to continue their discussions without him. In either case, his visit today was over.

As Severus threw the Floo powder into the fireplace, he hoped that joining Voldemort's Cause would be to his advantage.

category: two, type: fic, author: goddess47

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