FIC: Cold Hands, Hot Tongue (NC-17)

Jan 28, 2024 07:17

Title: Cold Hands, Hot Tongue
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Five
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus/Draco, Lucius/Narcissa, OC children
Author: themightyflynn
Beta(s): Jess
Rating: NC-17
Click to View [Warning(s)]Temperature play, blow jobs, hand jobs.
Summary: When the children are away, Draco and Severus will play.

It had happened gradually, as all the best things do. He had always been there, a constant presence in Severus' life. At times it had been a childish, annoying presence, but it was still constant. Even when Severus had snapped at him, or thrown him out, he had always come back. Standing in the doorway of the rooftop terrace, Severus smiled.

Draco stood leaning on the railing, staring out over the grounds of Malfoy Manor. Early morning sunlight shaded his pale hair pinks and reds, matching the light sunburn he had picked up when playing Quidditch with their boys the day before. Severus' eyes trailed down and over what he could make out of Draco's physique beneath the loose t-shirt and boxers he wore. He had filled out nicely over the years, with over a decade of playing professional Quidditch giving him that lightly muscled body that drove Severus to distraction at times. Shifting his position slightly caused the door to creak, giving his presence away.

"Good morning, Severus."

Severus' smile widened. Draco had always had an uncanny ability to tell when Severus was standing near him, even without the creaking of doors to give him away.

"It is indeed." Taking a couple of steps forward, Severus placed a hand lightly on the small of Draco's back. His other hand held a bottle of cream, the glass frosted a little. "I believe you may be in need of this?"

Draco winced and straightened a little, causing Severus' hand to slip off his back. "Please tell me it's burn cream?"

Severus did not bother to suppress his chuckle. "Perhaps from now on, you will take more care than to play Quidditch with the children while shirtless?"

He could make out the edge of Draco's responding smile as he turned to present his back, and it sent a shot of warmth through him. Tugging gently at the t-shirt Draco wore, he held up the bottle of cream.


Draco's smile turned to a grin. His head turned so he could meet Severus' eyes.

"Is that a command?"

The warmth spreading through Severus took on a decidedly more heated tone at the suggestion to Draco's voice. He ignored it for the time being, however. Tracing a finger along the waistband of the boxers Draco wore, he raised an eyebrow.

"When have you ever listened to any directions I have given you before?"

"If I start, will you do it more often?"

Without waiting for Severus to respond, Draco pulled the t-shirt up and over his head, revealing his reddened back, shoulders, and neck. It looked painful, but to Severus' trained eye, he could tell that it was not serious. The burn cream he had brewed the night before should be more than sufficient. He dipped his fingers into the bottle, feeling the frosty sensation of the cream tingle along his skin. Before he could begin to slather it on Draco's back, however, Draco leant backwards, resting his shoulders against Severus' chest.

"Are you ignoring me now?

Draco's chest and stomach were both red as well. His face, arms and throat had been spared, as he had at least had the sense to slather those parts of himself with sunscreen before removing his shirt during play. Shaking his head, Severus let out a small sigh.

"You are making that task a little difficult."

"Good," Draco responded with a quiet hum. "Get on with it, then."

With his fingers covered in the cool cream, Severus traced a pattern over the very top of Draco's chest, just below his collarbone. He could not help the smile that returned to his face when Draco hissed at the sensation, arching his back so that his head fell back against Severus' shoulder.

"Oh, that's…"


"Fucking freezing," Draco grumbled.

"Perhaps this will teach you a lesson, then?"

"Bloody sadist."

Hissing his breath between his teeth, Draco pressed back further into Severus. With his neck arched, eyes squeezed shut, and jaw clenched, Severus was sharply reminded of other situations that caused Draco to have similar reactions. He pushed the memories aside, however. Focussing on getting the cream everywhere Draco's skin had turned red, he ignored the noises Draco was making.

Sliding his hand slowly down Draco's torso, Severus took another scoop of cream and began to slather it over Draco's nipples, pectorals, and stomach. The heated skin provided a stark contrast to the cold cream on his fingers, sending tingles down his arm. He could only imagine what the sensation must be like for Draco. Running the tips of his fingers over Draco's nipples caused them to harden, and Draco to let out a pleased sound.


"Mmm… The cold is good, Sev."

His voice had deepened a couple of octaves. Unable to help it, Severus grinned, despite the shiver the sound sent through him.

"Is it?"


Draco arched again, this time pressing himself into Severus' fingers on purpose. Taking the hint, Severus smoothed his fingers over Draco's nipple, rubbing the cold cream in slowly. He could see the burn lessening beneath the cream, but the situation had tipped away from merely Healing Draco's sunburn with remarkable swiftness. Pleasure swept through Severus as Draco hummed.

"I need to do your back." When Draco let out another hum, Severus shook his head. "Draco, turn around."

No matter how pleasurable either one of them was finding this, he knew that Draco's sunburn had to be Healed. Nudging him with his hip, Severus had to smile when Draco let out a sound of protest.

"Draco, if you cannot see the benefits of facing me as I rub cream onto your back, then-"

"Oh, do shut up."

Severus grinned into the kiss Draco pulled him into. There had been many ups and downs in the eight years of their marriage, but this was something that they had always been good at. Making certain that his hands were coated, Severus began rubbing them up and down Draco's back. The kiss was nothing spectacular - he was a little distracted by the cream - but Draco's breathing changed as Severus massaged his lower back.


"We shall have to wait until the boys have left with your parents."

Draco groaned. "Tell me, why did we decide children were a good idea?"

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Were you not the one asking whether we should have another just the other week? 'Try for a girl this time' were your precise words, I believe."

Warmth spread through him as Draco smiled. Leaning in, he brushed their lips together softly.

"Do you not think that we would make another beautiful baby?"

Severus shook his head. "I am fifty-three years old. What I think is that I am getting too old to be running around after toddlers." Running his hands up Draco's back again, he smiled when Draco sighed. "Now, get your shirt back on. I don't want a repeat of this."

Grumbling the entire way, Draco followed him back down through the house. Lucius and Narcissa were visiting from France, and had agreed to take the boys back with them for a few weeks during the summer. Not only was it a nice gesture for Severus and Draco, who had very little time to themselves, but it would also be good for the boys to be exposed to other cultures as they grew up, Severus figured. Draco slipped off into their bedroom suite to get dressed, leaving Severus to head down into the breakfast room by himself.


The general chaos that followed behind their three boys always seemed to worsen whenever Lucius and Narcissa were involved. Severus suspected that Narcissa was feeding them sugar behind his and Draco's backs, but he had never been able to prove it. Kneeling down, he scooped Caspian - their youngest - up and carried him over to the lounge that sat facing one of the large windows. Caspian giggled the entire way, kicking his legs hard enough so that Severus had to tighten his grip.

"Good morning, Severus," Lucius called from the dining table, where he sat with Elio and Silas. "Have you seen Draco, by any chance? Narcissa was looking for him."

Severus smiled as memories of what they had nearly gotten up to flashed through his mind. "I believe he is dressing for the day. He has just applied some burn cream on his sunburn."

Lucius shook his head. "I taught him better, you know."

Nodding, Severus could not help smiling wider. "I do know. I was there."

This relationship had been difficult for Lucius and Narcissa to accept at first. Severus understood completely. With him being twenty years older than Draco, he figured it would worry any decent parent. But, Draco had made his choice, and he had stuck with it. He believed that Lucius had come to the decision that there were many worse choices Draco could have made for a life partner. The two of them chatted as they waited for Draco and Narcissa to make an appearance. The boys kept them busy, with Caspian in particular testing Severus' patience.

"Father, are you and Papa coming with us to France?" Elio asked just as Narcissa entered the room. "Grandmère and Grandpère have lots of room."

Severus smiled. He nodded a greeting to Narcissa, who smiled in return.

"Not this time, Elio. Your Papa has a Quidditch game scheduled, and I have meetings to attend." He held a hand up when Elio began to protest. "I promise we will come collect you in two weeks in person, however. You may even be able to come watch Papa play, if your grandparents are agreeable to the idea."

He raised an eyebrow at Lucius, who nodded. Narcissa took the seat next to Lucius at the table and began trying to help him control some of the pandemonium Elio and Silas had caused.

"We would very much like to watch Draco play," Narcissa muttered, sounding a little distracted. "We haven't had much opportunity to since he retired."

"Beyond the occasional pick-up game, that is," Lucius added.

Severus had to hide his smile as he watched the two of them trying to convince Elio and Silas to sit down and actually eat. He and Draco had made the decision to not raise their own children in as strict an environment as either of them had grown up in. Draco because he wanted his own children to have a sense of freedom that he himself had never had, and Severus because there was not a chance in hell that he would allow himself to turn into the kind of man his own father had been. So far, it seemed to be working a treat, he considered as he watched Silas - their eldest at six years - climb onto his chair and declare that he was now a pirate and Elio - four years - was his sworn enemy. Narcissa ducked as Silas swung his 'sword': his breakfast spoon that, thankfully, was no longer coated with cereal. Standing, Severus knew he had to put a stop to it all. He was beaten to it by Draco entering the room, however.

"Alright, who is causing all this noise? I can hear you clear to the top of the Manor!"


All three boys raced across the room to crowd around Draco. Caspian appeared to be in danger of being stomped on for a minute, but Draco scooped him up, carrying him back to Severus.

"Father says you are playing Quidditch again soon, Papa?"

"Yes, can we go watch?"

"Your father," Draco grunted as he deposited a giggling Caspian onto Severus' lap, "has a big mouth."

This sent both Elio and Silas into fits of giggles as well. They would never repeat what Draco had said - they had taught them well enough to be polite - but they clearly found the fact that Draco was willing to say something like that in front of them amusing.

After getting the boys somewhat settled, the adults began discussing the details of the trip to France. They had it all planned out beforehand, obviously, but Draco, like Severus, preferred to have minute details hashed out as well. Thankfully, none of the boys had dietary requirements, although both Silas and Caspian were slightly picky eaters. Elio, they had discovered, would eat practically anything. By the time the boys had finished breakfast, they had most of the trip planned to Draco's satisfaction.

"So, I should be expecting to see all of you in the family box during the game, then?"

"Yes!" Elio bounced up to Draco as he stood. "I'm going to be a Quidditch player just like you, Papa."

Severus didn't doubt it. They spent the next hour getting everyone out the door. Lucius had hired a car that would take them to the train station. From there, they would catch a train to the Apparition point. There was no need to make the journey as long as that, but Narcissa seemed to like the idea of the boys 'seeing the sights', as she put it. Severus knelt down to embrace each of the boys as they left.

"I will see you soon, do not worry," he murmured into Caspian's ear. "We will be together for Papa's game on Saturday."

It took longer than Severus knew was absolutely necessary to bid everyone farewell, and once they were officially on the way, he heaved a sigh. Draco leant back against his chest, his own sigh echoing Severus'.

"I love them, I really do," he stated quietly.

"It will be nice to have some time alone, though."

Draco nodded. "I feel like a bad parent for feeling that way."

Wrapping an arm around Draco's waist, Severus leant in to brush his lips over the shell of his ear. "You are an excellent father, Draco. Never allow anyone to tell you otherwise."

Humming, Draco leant further back into Severus' embrace. One hand traced light touches down the arm Severus had wrapped around his waist, causing goosebumps to rise.

"I do hope that you are willing to finally make good on the promise you implied this morning, Sev."

The abrupt subject change was nothing new. As much as he had grown and matured, displays of affection still made Draco uncomfortable. Severus smiled as he placed a soft kiss behind Draco's ear.

"Of course. Lead the way."

The heated look to Draco's eyes as he turned and started up the stairs towards their bedroom sent a shiver down Severus' spine. Calling to one of the house-elves, he cleared his throat.

"Ah, Tippy, very good. Would you be so kind as to send up a glass of ice to one of the bedside tables?"

The tiny elf nodded and accepted the coins that Severus handed her. Draco was always on him to not bribe the house-eves, but Severus did not see it as bribery. He saw it as an investment towards his future comfort. Nodding to himself, he made his way quickly up through the house after Draco. The fact that there was a trail of clothing leading from the door to their suite to the bedroom caused his heartrate to kick up a notch.


"A glass of ice, Sev?"

"Well, you seemed to appreciate the touch of the cream earlier…"

Severus allowed the sentence to trail off as he entered the bedroom. Draco sat against the headboard, his pillows behind him. He was completely naked, something that Severus took the time to admire as he stripped his own clothing off. He noted with a jolt of pleasure that the sunburn had Healed entirely.

"Lie down."

Draco smirked. "Another order?"

"Well, we could attempt this with you sitting up, but I believe that it would be at least slightly difficult."

It was rare that the two of them tried anything more extreme in the bedroom than a touch of light bondage. Severus wanted to make certain that this little experiment went well. When Draco met his eyes, though, he seemed to understand. Moving the pillows so they were lying flat on the bed again, he shifted down so he could lie with his head on them. He watched Severus expectantly, licking his lips.

"Very good, Draco," Severus murmured. "Now, I want you to lie still."

Taking the first of the ice cubes, Severus touched it to Draco's collarbone. It prompted a hiss of Draco's breath, and Severus removed it.

"Too much?"

"No, I… No. Try again."

Severus watched Draco carefully as he trailed the corner of the cube down Draco's chest. He paused at his nipple, circling it so it hardened. Draco hummed, arching up into the touch.

"That's… nice."

Moving so he sat on the bed facing Draco, Severus smiled. "Let me know if it's too much."

When Draco nodded, he continued. Holding the cube in his hand, he allowed it to melt a little, dripping cool water down onto Draco's chest. He watched it run down his stomach and pool in his navel. He then switched the cube into his other hand and used his cold hand to run trails down Draco's side.

It was all experimentation. Neither of them really knew much about what they were doing beyond trying to make each other feel good. When Severus touched the ice to Draco's hip, he hissed again.

"Don't stop," he moaned when Severus removed it. "Keep going. It feels… good."

Severus raised an eyebrow, but continued. He trailed the ice along the join of Draco's hip, allowing it to melt as he moved it. He was unsure how Draco would react to having the ice placed directly onto his cock - which was standing at half-mast, despite the cold - so he grabbed a second one and began to melt it in his other hand. When he felt that hand was about as cold as he could stand, he very cautiously wrapped it around Draco's cock.

"Oh, fuck…" Draco arched, a loud groan leaving his mouth. "Keep going."

Severus watched as Draco's cheeks heated. His breathing had already sped up, his chest rising and falling rapidly. There were trails of red where the ice had touched his chest and collarbones, contrasting wildly with his pale skin. When he felt his hand warming up, he switched them, placing a new cube into his warm hand and using the cooler one to stroke Draco.

"Sev… You have to - mmm - you have to try this." Draco paused, panting. "So good…"

It became apparent very quickly that Draco had no intention of having actual sex that morning. His hips jerked up into Severus' hand, and he groaned loudly each time Severus switched hands. It wasn't long before Severus was hearing the telltale sounds that Draco's orgasm was nearing.

"Yes, yes… I… Mmm…"

Unable to help it, Severus smiled. He kept his eyes locked on Draco's face, watching as pleasure contorted his features. When Draco's mouth opened and a frown marred his brow, Severus knew this was it. Twisting the hand on Draco's cock, he squeezed just a little harder on the upstroke, dragging his orgasm from him. Draco's hips jerked and his back arched as he came, a garbled set of words escaping from him. Severus stroked him through it, his mind now wandering to his own cock.

"Mmm… You've got to try… So good…"

Severus smiled. He leant in to capture Draco's lips in a heated kiss. Draco's hand came up to tug on Severus' hair, dragging him further down. When he broke the kiss, his eyes were dark and lidded.

"Lie down, legs off the side of the bed. I have an idea."

Draco's voice was rough. A shiver ran through Severus as he moved to do as Draco instructed. He wondered briefly what Draco was up to, but that was answered when he saw him taking one of the ice cubes into his mouth and biting down. It crunched loudly and Draco grinned.

"Lie down."

The words were muffled, and Draco slurped as some of the water dribbled from his mouth. Severus grinned.

"A creative idea."

Draco hummed. Lying with his legs dangling over the edge of the bed, Severus took a deep breath. His erection had flagged a little, but he knew that would not be a problem for too long. Draco ran the very tips of his fingers along the underside of his cock, the touch of his fingernails adding a little sense of danger to the action. He then took a deep breath and, with another slurp as he opened his mouth, took Severus' cock to the root.


Draco's mouth was freezing. Severus gasped as Draco swallowed, some of the water escaping to begin to pool around him on the bed. It wasn't until Draco moved, drawing his hot tongue along Severus' cock, that Severus knew what he was aiming for. The contrast between the freezing ice and water with the heat of his tongue was… astonishing. It made Severus gasp again as Draco swirled the ice cube around the tip of his cock. When Draco made a questioning noise, Severus nodded.

"Keep going."

It was stunning how quickly the heat replaced the cold. Draco bobbed his head, continuously sucking to keep the water in his mouth. The vacuum created each time he drew the water back into his mouth sent Severus' head spinning. Pleasure rocked through him and his hips thrust into Draco's mouth involuntarily. It caused water to dribble down onto him, but by that point, he could not care. All he was focussed on was his impending orgasm. Reaching down, he threaded his fingers through Draco's hair.

"Draco, I-" He was interrupted by a moan as Draco pressed the ice cube to the tip of his cock. "Fuck you."

Draco chuckled, adding to the sensations flooding through Severus' rapidly overloading system. When Draco pulled back to suck of the tip of his cock, his hand stroking the shaft, Severus knew he was done for. His stomach muscles clenched and his hands thumped the bed beside him as he began to come.

Draco took all he could, swallowing rapidly. When Severus collapsed down onto the bed, panting, Draco followed.


Severus rolled so he could place a soft kiss on Draco's lips. "We should try this again."

Draco smiled. "Perhaps with a little more planning, we might not even make such a mess of the bed."

Severus chuckled. Taking deep breaths, he tried to get his heartrate back under control.

"You know, if we had another child, we likely would be unable to do things like this for a long time."

Draco hummed. "Yes, but we could have a lot of fun doing things like this in the runup to having another child." Turning so his arm draped over Severus' middle, Draco kissed him again. "But, that is a discussion for another time. Come back to bed. We can play some more later on."

Severus was never going to turn that down. Heaving himself up, he cast cleaning and drying charms over himself and the bed. Draco threw the covers back, leaving them with crisp, white sheets to lie under. Severus smiled when Draco landed next to him, his arm flung over his chest again. He leant to place a kiss on Draco's forehead.

"I love you."

He could feel Draco smile against his chest. "Love you, too. Now rest. I'm planning on exhausting you again later."

category: five, type: fic, author: themightyflynn

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