FIC: Desperate Revision (PG)

Jan 30, 2024 06:30

Title: Desperate Revision
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Two
Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Author: goddess47
Rating: PG
Click to View [Warning(s)]Non-violent death of Eileen Snape.
Summary: Severus' future hinged on the upcoming N.E.W.T.s. He has to prepare and prepare well.

Desperate Revision )

category: two, type: fic, author: goddess47

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Comments 9

iulia_linnea January 30 2024, 11:30:15 UTC

Oh, how authentic all this feels! Straight out of canon…this reads like the quiet before the storm, the canonical one, and Severus' having to eventually process his mother's death. It held my attention completely.

Thank you so very much for all your contributions this fest!


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:49:48 UTC

Thank you for all your hard work!


geminisister January 30 2024, 11:45:19 UTC
Severus having to return home to cope with his mother's sickness, then her funeral arrangements must have been so hard on him. he had the sense at least in using his skills to brew potions for an income and the potential of a job after school. Lily at least interacted with him although on a formal bases and then the invitation to meet with a friend of Lucius to assist with his advancement - how could. he not resist this offer.

Talk about being in a hard place.... poor Severus he can never win.

Thanks for writing and I really enjoyed reading.


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:50:09 UTC

No, Severus never could win...

Thank you!


kellychambliss January 30 2024, 17:47:13 UTC

This is exactly the sort of quiet determination that I expect of Severus.

The scenes with Lily are nicely understated and all the more painful for that.

Poor Eileen.


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:50:34 UTC

Just watching Lily from a distance would be painful...

Thank you!


debjunk January 31 2024, 05:36:22 UTC
Poor Severus, losing his mum and then having to scrimp and work hard all summer to survive. I guess he has the house if he needs it.


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:51:20 UTC

An empty house is somewhat symbolic of Severus' life...

Thank you!


debjunk February 3 2024, 17:27:14 UTC

OMG that statement made me tear up a little, but you're so right.


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