FIC: Attempting Temperance (PG)

Feb 01, 2024 05:45

Title: Attempting Temperance
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Four
Characters: Severus Snape, Irma Pince
Author: goddess47
Rating: PG
Summary: "Headmaster. If you do not remove those miscreants from the Library, I'll… I'll…" Words had failed her. She stamped a foot and glared.

Attempting Temperance )

type: fic, author: goddess47, category: four

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Comments 6

iulia_linnea February 1 2024, 10:45:27 UTC

Oh, the library and Irma and the students! Severus! I feel so sorry for them all-but that was good advice he gave, and a help to everyone.


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:46:52 UTC

Yes, Severus is in a tough spot here... Thank you!


kellychambliss February 1 2024, 19:53:24 UTC

"Severus, my boy," Phineas Nigellus said, "appeal to their Slytherin side."

Good advice. And to their selfishness. As Severus clearly understands, people like the Carrows respond only to things that might directly affect them personally.

I enjoyed the depiction of obtuse Amycus.


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:47:32 UTC

The Carrows were another horror is Severus' life...

Thank you!


debjunk February 2 2024, 01:59:53 UTC

Geez, what dullards. Such a disgrace for the school. Nice job!


goddess47 February 3 2024, 16:48:22 UTC

The Carrows were there to watch Severus first, so the school came last... which put Severus in a tough spot.

Thank you!


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