Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2008!
Looking back at 2007, the thing which stands out most for me was changing jobs after five years at the old place. This was an enormous change, but a very positive one, as I feel I have really moved up. The profession I've ended up in will never be a huge earner or bring dazzling success, but I am enjoying it and for the first time I feel that I'm not completely in the dark ages as far as pay in concerned. So it's all good.
The change has impacted on many areas of my life, including fanfiction. As I can no longer write at work I've had to learn to fit writing around my social life, often making a special effort to leave one day at the weekend or one weeknight free in order to have chance to get something done. Unfortunately, the inspiration is not always there at the right moment, but it's a start. I'm no nearer to beginning any original pieces, although Sleeping Dragons, my current work-in-progress on, has been a very interesting way to work. For the first time I've had a fic all planned out with a certain, definite ending which I'm working towards, instead of stumbling in whichever direction I like the look of, as is normally the case.
Fanfic saved my sanity once again this summer, as it kept me going during another mental freakout. Writing the daft Snape/Dumbledore fic kept my mind occupied with silly fluffy thoughts rather than the complete horror which was otherwise going on inside my head. Thankfully, autumn brought me out of all that and I feel much more stable now.
As for 2008 - well, it's going to be a big one in my little world. The first of my friends is taking the plunge and getting married in March, three other couples are engaged and one more is heading that way very quickly. Most of us will be turning 30 (how?!?!?!?! We were only 13 five minutes ago) including me in the spring, so I think there will be some soul searching and yet more mental alarms for some of us. Actually, I'm not dreading it. My current stance is that it will be rather nice to leave the chaotic 20s behind, but ask again at 23:59 on 10th April and there might be a different answer.
Anyway, enough of this tedious navel-gazing. Once again, I would like to wish everyone well for 2008. I hope it's a great year for all of us, in the post-Potter world! Thank you to everyone who has commented on my ramblings in 2007, I really appreciate feedback or just the chatty comments!
With lots of love,
Nightie xxx
London, 2nd January 2008