I have broadband back.
I can't believe it's taken so long to sort out all our internet problems but we've finally managed it and I am once again able to surf randomly for fanfic for hours on end - bliss! - not to mention getting important real life things done.
A big hello to any friends on LJ who remember me (and still care). I've been very slack with ficcing lately. Apart from the internet trouble, I think this might have been because of the creative writing course I did. It was just a short evening course and a very basic one, but it started me analysing the way I write and thinking about things more, which took some of the joy out of silly ficcing for a while. That said, I did finally manage to tinker with the latest chapter of the sprawling SS/LM "Sleeping Dragons" on Saturday and get it posted. It had been sitting around for months looking not quite right, until I decided to cut out a particularly unneccessary subplot and just whack it up on fanfiction.net. Hopefully I'll be able to finish that one soon and then I can press on with the other thing that's sitting around, a much dafter affair called "Thief in the Night".
Anyway, none of this is terribly interesting so I'll leave off now. Bizzarrely, I'm going for lunch with my friend's ex-boyfriend in a bit so I need to go and psyche myself up, not to mention trying to clean out my potty mouth after watching Trainspotting late last night.
Lots of love to all,
Nightie xx