» o19

Jun 15, 2009 21:49

As I am sure you are all aware, Reno has given his letter of resignation from the Police Force. As such, the next in line to succeed him as Head of Special Assault and Tactics is Tenou Haruka. I would like to thank Kamishiro Tsurugi for his interest in the position, and hope that he had no hard feelings over the choice, for it was a difficult decision to make.

Please welcome Tenou Haruka as our new Head of Special Assault and Tactics.


As I once told an important man, being useful to the military is linked with being useful to the people.

These hands are for protecting people, to protecting a Nation. You might not be of my nation, of my world, but that does not change my duty. We of the military are used to being called names, to being looked down upon. "Dogs of the Military," men, and women, who wear their collars and do their job. Our reasons are our own. Some noble, some less.

I suppose this curse showed me what I could be like, if I wished to be, but, I have no desire to be that sort of man. I have my path, and those who believe in me, and you who do not.

Call me a weapon, consider me a monster, but I am just a human, protecting the lives of innocents with these hands, and I will continue to do such.


To grow, to learn, without all of you. I suppose in a manner this doesn't matter. If I return, I won't remember any of this, will I? Yet, I still have your eyes on my back, making sure the path I follow is the correct one.
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