
Jul 22, 2010 19:30

SO. Pogleventures: this is the interest list as I understand it so far: (albireo YOUR BLASTOISES ARE NOT INVITED)

pogmen )

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Comments 17

chesiresmile July 23 2010, 16:47:50 UTC
hi yes I am still interested here have a character

Pokemon: Phanpy
Name: Hathi (don't have a username yet, I will post it as soon as I make one)
Bio: A little lazy, and a little slow, in every definition of the word. She's not the brightest, but she means well, and really just wants to help. She can be stubborn, and once she makes up her mind, it is nearly impossible to get her to change it.

lvl. 45, Lax nature, Double Edge/Iron Tail/Earth Power/Defense Curl.


derpephant July 26 2010, 02:32:04 UTC
still working on icons but here you go.


pixle July 24 2010, 04:07:58 UTC
Pokemon: Blaziken

Name: Vanhi (It means Fire I AM SO CLEVER except no)
Bio: Vanhi is all about buisness. She tells things as they are and how she sees them, meaning Vanhi never tries to hide behind a white lie, and has very little tact. This, along with her confidence makes her sometimes appear as downright cruel, especially when she gets on someone's case. She knows how to let the punches and insults fly - arrogant and doesn't hold back for one second no matter who you are. Beating you up just shows that she cares <3.

Lvl. 40 Srs nature.
Flare Blitz | Blaze Kick | Reversal | Superpower


kungpow_chicken July 24 2010, 04:08:36 UTC
i will update this when we are ready to play.


oops here is snap's character by the way 1000yearcurse July 24 2010, 05:23:50 UTC
Pogle: Ninetales
Name: Darius, 1000yearcurse
Bio: Cunning and maybe just a little underhanded. He tends to be fawning and indirect, but it's not hard to tell that he fancies himself a Big Shiny Leader who is Smarter Than Everyone Else. He's judgmental and unforgiving, and he's got a bit of a thing for being dramatic, but he's the convenient exposition machine pretty knowledgeable, so that makes him handy to have around.

Lv. 47, Calm nature, Flash Fire.
Nasty Plot/Heat Wave/Ominous Wind/Extrasensory


soulrockcandy July 24 2010, 05:24:36 UTC

Pogle: Venonat
Name: Arthur (Can I just use my general) DR account?
Bio: Arthur is the kind of guy always looking to discover new things about the world. The better he knows how it works, the more easily he can alter it to make life easier for himself and others. For example, using a system of reeds and hollowed coconut shells tied together, he figured out a way to collect rainwater to drink. Of course, he gets so excited over new ideas and theories he doesn't really stop to think that whoever he's spazzing out to doesn't really give a crap.

He is a people person, but doesn't pick up on sarcasm (or any thinly-veiled emotion) well, and tends to take things literally. He is also prone to being highly distracted by lights in the middle of the night.

Level 26
Quirky Nature; Highly Curious
Tackle | Foresight | Confusion | Leech Life


karmakamikaze July 25 2010, 00:34:19 UTC
Pokemon: Espeon
Name: Ef // Evolvedbyday.livejournal.com
Bio: Ef is very friendly, and very loyal. He will quickly call someone a friend, and then defend them with every inch. He also, however, loves the ladies, and that has gotten in the way of friends before. Oops.

Level 28 | Hasty Nature
Future Sight | Swift | Confusion | Psybeam


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