Feb 13, 2009 22:11
Initial Reaction: I liked it. I'm looking forward to more.
Favourite Character: Boyd Langdon (Echo's handler)
Favourite Plot Element: Paul Ballard's Investigation
Least Favourite Element: The mismatched titles in the opening credits
So, any of you see it?
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Comments 4
I liked it. A bit... packed... for a pilot (it probably would have worked better at ninety minutes), but I suspect that will sort itself out in the next few eps. Assuming it gets that far.
Favourite plot element: the white "dress" during the first "engagement"... :)
I must say, I've never been too taken with Dushku as an actress, per se, but after this I'm guardedly optimistic.
BUT: where's the repartee? where's the humour? Where's the JOSS?
I knew something was missing, but couldn't put my finger on it.
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