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My ability to use Artes has returned, I am no longer incapable. The time without my abilities has proven long and pointlessly difficult. I shouldn't complain, however, at least I have them back and can now...
Yes. That would be amusing. To watch the life escape some pitiful creature under the blast, and it has been so long since I've used my Mystic Arte. Perhaps I should show this to Citrine and allow her to see the full scope of my combat abilities...On an odd thought, I have my Fonic Sight back as well. I wonder what her Fonon Frequency looks like? So many people that I can examine through the Sight, now.
I do, however, miss my spear. Perhaps I should try bonding the one I was given from Ed...It should theoretically work, now. If nothing else, it would be a test of how much of my abilities I have regained.
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Citrine, a word if you please.