Title: Nite and Day
Chapter: 6
snarkyandsparky Catagory: suspense, humour, slash, romance
Pairing: Jack/Nathan
Rating: PG: 13
Word Count: 4, 579
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I like to play with them once in a while...
Author's Note: Thanks to
brighids_fire and
blueskypenguin for their amazing help in writing this Chapter. It should be noted that this story takes place within
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Comments 14
Sadly, it seems there's not much around these days. I was very happy to find this. The story is intriguing and involving, and the scenes between the guys are believable, tense and hot ;)
Plus, I really like the fact that here Jack is the one doing much of the pursuing. I confess I have a fondness for a strong Jack and a more vulnerable Nathan, and as a bonus I get Jack pov of Nathan too.
Will there be an update soon? *hopeful look*
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