I think I saw a Faerie this morning.
Don't scoff.
Some folks believe in these things, some do not. I have to admit I'm a bit skeptical most days but every once in while something brushes against my senses and makes me pause.
My mother's always had this other worldly sense and it usually pops up when something horrible is going to happen. For instance, when she was younger she and her brother were installing window boxes at the old house and they both started joking that they were the right size coffin for a really, really skinny person. They both thought it was hilarious. My uncle got drunk, fell off a parking ramp and died the next week at 16. Another time my father took us all sledding when my youngest brother was 6. My mother didn't want us to go because she said she had this weird feeling about the day. Later that day we had to take my youngest brother to the hospital to get his head stitched up because some kids pushed me and him down the wrong side of hill. And though I tried to hang on as tight as I could, I couldn't stop my brother from smacking his head in a fence. We drove home right away and mom was waiting for us on the porch with her coat on. This was 22 years ago - long before cell phones so there was no way my mother knew we were on the way home and that something had happened.
Me, well I've had a weird moment or two. A week after moving into my house I was lying on the living room floor when I turned my head to the side I see a flash of what appeared to be a man with an awful grin and razor sharp teeth under my couch. He was gone when I blinked.
Another time I was invited by a friend to go on a ghost hunt, with the local ghost hunters chapter, in an old theatre. I figured it would be an interesting way to spend a Friday night. And it was certainly interesting. Our assignment was to place a tape recorder in one of the 4th floor rooms, let it sit for a few hours and see if we could get some sounds. On the way back down, my friend starts to ask me a question when a rush of air blows past me and I hear someone ask, "Where?" I have to admit, I did eep like a girly girl. Not my best moment.
There have been a few nights where I swear I can hear whispers in my bedroom. More often than not I will simply turn over and go back to sleep. Sometimes, if annoyed enough, I'll tell them to fuck off. Now the other night was quite interesting when it came to bedroom visitors. I was in bed in that dreaming, almost awake moment when it felt like someone was sitting on my legs. I was dreaming that I was somehow caught by something and was slowly being swallowed up by darkness. The thing is I knew all I had to do was take the pillow off my head and sit up and I would wake up, but I just couldn't get my arms to move. I wasn't afraid just exasperated that I was being silly and not waking up. That's when I feel this presence, like something's sitting on my legs and then it feels like something has fallen on me and gathered me close at the same time. I could feel the arms swoop in and the hands grab the blankets and tuck them under me. I'm finally able to get my arms to move and throw the pillow off while yelling, "Get the fuck off me". The weight is instantly lifted like nothing was there. I thought about it the next day and still wonder if this presence was actually trying to help me wake up and the gathering feeling I felt was it trying to hold me close. *shrug*
Anyway, the faerie... My desk buts up to a wall with a god-awful golf course mural - one of those photos that's been turned into wallpaper. I'm working on a quote for a customer when I catch the fluttering of wings in the corner of my eye - almost like a hummingbird and it seems to be coming out of the mural. I sit literally two feet off the wall so when I caught the action I glanced out the corner of my eye and that's when it...I guess, flew away. Kind of cool. Wonder if it needed something.