if u are bored i suggest this

Jul 04, 2005 20:57

if u are bored put something like this to everyone on ure list ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

jickle July 4 2005, 11:36:09 UTC
3 could be the African word for "I hate Africans" for all we know.

But seriously, I don't see the point of saluting people in my SN like that, since its not gonna benefit anyone. It's basically a way of saying, "look at me! I care! I don't do anything about it, but at least I care!"


snax_b_crads July 4 2005, 11:37:17 UTC
this is very true *takes three away from screename*


cholasthehedge July 6 2005, 02:14:02 UTC
I always knew that mobile-phone company had it in for the Africans


cholasthehedge July 5 2005, 01:38:46 UTC
I agree. I've been fighting these things for ages. You know, put a flower at the front of your name for the people who died in a jam accident in Montreal. Fucking hell, if I was in a jam accident in Montreal who then became a ghost in limbo I wouldn't go around checking to see if Little Janey Slutalot has a flower in front of her MSN name. I'd be off trying to get Hendrix to teach me guitar, or to kick Hitler's balls.


snax_b_crads July 5 2005, 06:35:35 UTC
i like the way u think, would prob do the same lol


cholasthehedge July 6 2005, 02:11:48 UTC
Or get Hendrix's guitar to smash Hitler's balls with.


pink_sazzle July 5 2005, 05:03:34 UTC
haha yeh i went off at that thing 2 aye! its pointless!


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