My Fandoms Masterlist

Sep 12, 2020 02:45

Growing up Batman was my go-to Superhero.  My awareness of Batman came from the Animated Series not comic books.  My parents didn't do comic books but nevertheless I got my daily fix of Batman after school.  I recently got a hold of S1-4 which were spurred on by watching Batman: Under the Red Hood and I admit also because Jensen Ackles voiced Jason Todd.  I've just dived into the comic book side of the pool which is amazing considering the fact that I have this specific ocd trait of needing continuity in all things and reading/watching...etc in order from beginning to end.  Slowly I'm building up my Bats family library one graphic novel at a time.  Next to Bats I adore Harley Quinn.  It's only just recently I found out that there was actually a female Robin, Stephanie Brown, which I thought was really cool.  Apparently, she is now the new Batgirl and I've got to find more comics focused on her.


My OTP:  Batman/Catwoman   
Talia Al Ghul can suck it.  I don't care.  These two were canon long before that hussy showed up.  That I do know.

I found a blog that listed where to start reading on Batman and look, they've got one on Dick handy.

{Robin Hood}
I started at a young age obsessed with Robin Hood.  At the tender age of 8 I loved the old classic film, The Adventures of Robin Hood.  My mom was a preschool teacher for a few years and taught me to read very early on.  One of the many books she bought for me were  The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.  I'm pretty sure that I read that particular one at least 5 times.  Anything that played upon the Robin Hood story be it books or movies I ate up voraciously.

{Star Trek: TNG}
This was my first foray into Science fiction.  I don't remember when exactly I started watching this show and why considering my parents didn't do sci-fi at all.  My mom's side of the family especially my uncle watched Trek and my dad's side was into Star Wars, but neither cared for it to my knowledge.  I know I must have started watching after S1 since I don't remember Tasha Yar at all.  I had a huge crush on Wil Wheaton which saw me through till the end of the series.  I remember watching the beginning credits to see if his name came up for the episode.  My ass was in front of that tv at 6:30 on the dot with fingers crossed.  Unfortunately, since my memory is a colander I retain a lot but some totally slip through the cracks I really only remember a handful of episodes.   One thing I really remember is I hated Q with a passion for messing with Picard; which probably means he was quite the badass.  I really want to get the entire series and sit down for an entire weekend and watch it without interruption.  For me Picard will always be my favorite Trek Captain.  Oh, and another fun fact:  For many years I thought Patrick Stewart's real name was Jean Luc Picard.

{The Chronicles of Narnia}
This has always been my one of my childhood literary classics.  For Christmas one year my maternal grandmother gave me the entire set in paperback in the correct chronological order.  Needless to say I blazed through the series and began my life long love of all things Narnian & Aslan.  The next year she gave me and my two younger sisters the BBC movie versions up to The Silver Chair.  Those are my Pevensies and by the time I finished watching TLTWTW I was sold on the new cast.  I think that Lucy is my favorite.  The only thing bad about this fandom...there's far too much incest going on in that pool for me.  The incest is a major squick for me so I've only read a few fanfics but not much.

{The Magnificent Seven}
This was my first foray into online fandom.  I eventually started writing fan fiction...yes it was a self insert Maysue that by the second season was Jossed.  We didn't have cable so in order to actually see that episodes I had to fight the bunny ears of doom.  Also the amount of fanfiction that I consumed in this fandom I pretty sure would have set world records.  Through this fandom I discovered the ideas of crossovers and AUs especially Buffy & Highlander crossovers and the ATF AU.  I even read a Louis L'Amour novel because I swear the 2 main characters could have been Chris & Mary on the cover.  I blame it on being in junior high and Chris/Mary shipper.  OTP baby!


My OTP:  Chris/Mary

{Dragonriders of Pern}

{Star Wars}
I discovered one of the biggest Sci-Fi stories in history late in the Junior High.  Only within the last 10 years after watching Star Wars did I realize the age old question:  "Trek or Star Wars?"  The funny thing is Trek was first, discovered on my own, and Star Wars from my dad's cousins on VHS tapes but the latter stuck with me more and longer.  After watching the original trilogy I discovered the Young Jedi Knights series.  Now the new trilogy leaves a lot to be desired but I love the costumes.  Padme's costumes are amazing.  In my opinion it was the best part.  When each of the new trilogy came out I theaters my dad let us go at least 2-3 times for the weekend matinees.  I never have read about Mara Jade but I totally ship Luke/Mara.  Weird, I know.  Also about the fact that at the fire celebration that in his INFINITE wisdom Lucas substituted young adult Anakin instead of Old Anakin...meh, either way is fine.  I appreciated it in a way of finding ways of connecting both trilogies after an entire trilogy separated by at least 16 years.  My favorite realization after watching all 6 films was that only one who knew about everything, all the secrets, everything was R2.

My OTP:  Sabe' & Obi-Wan
I don't know if this would be considered a crack pairing or not...cuz it's definitely not normal.  In case you're wondering 'Sabe'!  It was her decoy aka Keira Knightley.  In an article I forget which mom natalie's or keira's but they were looking at a photo of each of them side by side and couldn't pick their own daughter out they looked so alike.

Finding this universe through some crossover fanfic with The Magnificent Seven, I had to wait a while before actually watching an episode.  I went about this ass backwards.  I read a lot of fic, then watched Highlander: Endgame, and then watched the series in college.  I basically watched almost 6 seasons waiting for Methos to show up.  Methos is hands down my favorite character in this world.  Every Highlander fic I read I anticipate Methos appearing.  The only reason I watched Endgame was to see more Methos...all of the 5 minutes his character appeared.  Boo.  Thanks to a seeming recent revival of Highlander crossovers with my newer favorite shows SPN & Chloe from SV.

{Dark Angel}
This is the second fandom that spurred me to write fanfic it sucked me in completely.  As much as I love the 1st season I'm drawn to the 2nd more.  I think its because it had more of a sci-fi arc than the 1st with Manticore being destroyed and the Conclave coming forward.  Only later did I discover the post season novels going further and completely deriding the ideas I had floating in my head.  So basically I ignore the novels completely.  And this marks my universe being changed forever when Jensen Ackles was introduced as Ben/Alec.  I wish as much material is being filmed in Vancouver nowadays Martin Cummins should be utilized more.  TRUFAX.


My OTP:  Max/Alec
Yeah, Logan really irritates me so fuckin' much.  And heat!fics are the shit.

{Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillon}
The Trilogy was recc'd to me a few times before I actually picked up the books.  Yes, a crime against the Literary world.  I'm well aware hindsight is 20/20 after all.  It wasn't until after the FotR was on dvd and I caught a clip of Gandalf fighting the Balrog in the mines that it caught my attention.  My paternal grandmother gave me the set including The Hobbit.  As you know my OCD kicked in and said, I'm pretty sure The Hobbit needed to be read first.  GAH!  It took me a few times of starting it since I wanted to read LotR and I found out I didn't necessarily need to read it to understand LotR.  Hallelujah!  So I finished the entire trilogy within a week and I was set to watch the movies.  While attending college I bought almost every book pertaining to Middle-earth possible on earth.  Just recently I completed my collection via e-books since most book stores stopped carrying a couple of the 1st versions of the trilogy.  I even have a Quenya/Sindarin dictionary & a atlas depicting every war campaign, characters travels, and migration patterns of the peoples of Middle-earth, and a guide to all of the groups of people on Middle-earth.  I then picked up The Silmarillion and for some reason I care more about what happened concerning Noldorins, their descendants, wars, and history more than the Fellowship.

Considering two of my favorite things are sci-fi and westerns, Firefly is the absolutely perfect mix of my childhood fandoms.  I just wish I had discovered the show while it was on tv.  Thanks to my younger sister, Rebecca, decided to bring this home as a rental and before the first episode was over I fell in wuv.  I was so upset when I realized that that was it, Kaylee and Simon would never really happen and Mal and Inara wouldn't either, and the whole thing with River would never have a proper conclusion.  Major sad face until I started cruising the interwebs looking for Firefly fandom stuff and to my great excitement was that Firefly was getting a movie to finish it.

{Stargate:  SG-1/ Atlantis}
I was introduced to Stargate first through the movie, which I loved since throughout middle school and up I've always been into Egyptology.  This was a natural branch off when you think about it.  Rebecca decided to start bringing home the series which sucked me in quickly.  Also fun fact just like with ST: TNG I honestly thought that MacGyver was actually Richard Dean Anderson's real name.  I'm not ashamed at all.  I think I caught up with the series and now I've lost track since I forgot which season I was on.  Boo.  I really didn't know what to make of the Atlantis spin-off but that soon became nonexistent.  My favorite thing about Atlantis was McKay and Sheppard bickering back and forth...same with Jack and Daniel.


In the early days I shipped this hard and I really wanted this to work out.  *Sigh* Sadly nope.

Okay, for some reason this particular ship bit me really hard which was horrible since nothing came of it past the one episode but it was nice that the writers threw us a bone later for this ship.

{Band of Brothers}
I've only been a fan of Band of Brothers within the last 6 years.  I wish I had known about it a lot sooner being the WWII buff I am.  This piece of history is so interesting and needs to be kept in the publics eye considering how fast we are losing so many vets including Major Richard Winters just this last January.  Also another reason that I love this series is the bond that came about through the actors with each other and the people that they were portraying.  I pretty much love the entire cast and the characters relationships with each other.  In real life Bill & Babe are my absolute favorites and two of the coolest people on the planet.  I don't know if they kept doing the youtube interviews  but the ones I saw were pure awesome with a side of pure genius.  To be honest I can't really mentally ship anybody since I have difficulties separating real life from movieverse.  It veers to close to RPS for me if I think about it too long.

{Doctor Who}
I was a late comer to the Whoverse.  I kept seeing the Series 1 with the Ninth Doctor and wanting to watch but I discover the other 8 Doctors before and my frackin continuity OCD reared its ugly head.  It took a while to realize I didn't necessarily need to watch those to get what was going on, thankfully.  What spurred me on was finding out David Tennant was going to be the next Doctor.  At the time the Casanova miniseries was showing on PBS; and my thought was I'm definitely watching this now.  I really liked the Ninth Doctor I just wish he had had at least one more season but I love Ten.  Ten is my Doctor.  Donna is my companion.


I love them.  I just wish they'd had more time in this incarnation.

My OTP:  Ten/Rose
I absolutely love this pairing.  I was absolutely devastated after Doomsday, to the point that I didn't want to care about the other companions that he had.


{The Pretender}

{Anne of Green Gables}

I have multiple fandoms that I dip my toes into when I have the urge:

~Book Series~

{Beka Cooper Trilogy}
I've throughly enjoyed the first two novels and I've got Mastiff on my Mount TBR.
{Harry Potter}
I finished reading the series on November 1st and I've been reading fanfic for absolute years and was completely spoiled, but I still couldn't believe it was actually over.  I felt kinda lost to be quite honest. Totally cliche' I know.
{House of Night}
Four Words:  one-sitting guilty pleasures. I'm behind on the last two books.
{Percy Jackson and the Olympians}
I absolutely love this series.  I just have the last book to go before I finish the series.
{DC Comics}
I'm doing my very best to keep up with the DC reboot and so far so good.  I'm also keeping my eye out for trades of the Batclan right now and slowly branching out.


{Disney Animated films}
Beauty and the Beast.  Tangled.  Little Mermaid. Robin Hood.  Mulan.  Lilo & Stitch.  Sleeping Beauty.  Finding Nemo. Toy Story. Up.  Treasure Planet.  Lion King.
Three Words:  Arthur.  Eames.  Kinkmeme.
{Inglorious Basterds}
Badass Jews killing Hitler.  The entire fucking cast.  Quentin Tarantino.
{King Arthur}
I've always love the King Arthur mythology since reading Le Morte D'Arthur as a preteen. 
Hugh Dancy.  Ioan Gruffud.  Joel Edgerton.  Til Schweiger.  Well fuck...the whole fucking cast. 
{The Losers}
Awesome casting.  Fucking hilarious.  Yummy JDM & Chris Evans. Kickass Zoe Saldana.
I still can't believe this cast happened.  I love it so. 
Ellen Mirren kicked more ass than Zoe Saldana. TRUFAX.
Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton fanon pairing
Tom Hiddleston
{Star Trek}

~TV Series~

{Battlestar Galactica 2003}
I absolutely love Starbuck.  That and I still haven't seen 3 & 4 seasons yet.
I ship Booth & Bones sfm.
I watched all 7 seasons right along with my baby sister and I still love Firefly more.
{Burn Notice}
{Cowboy Bebop}
{Hawaii Five-O}
Josef Kostan was the best thing about the series period.
{Prison Break}
The show broke my heart killing Michael at the end.  My favorite ship was Michael/Sara.  I liked the first season the best and my interest tapered off after that.
{Saving Grace}
{Sherlock Holmes (BBC)}
{Veronica Mars}
{White Collar}

fandom love, just me being a virgo

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