*disclaimer: this is gonna be long. so if you don't wanna read the whole thing...well don't.. unless you really have nothing to do.. and are dying of massive boredom.*
friday. well.. friday i went to school... stayed there til 5pm cause i had to catch up with some stuff i didn't do thursday, i still had that freaking headache but at least the fever was gone... and the pain in my throat was "acceptable".. thursday was quite a scary day..anyway...when i got home.. i took a nap and then my mom woke me up like at 6pm telling me that i had to go to my neighbor's bday party with her... dinner.. i mean.she's like 70 years old or somewhere there... i surely had a blast O_o ... i came back home like at 8pm.. heh. i watched some boring tv... actually flipped through the channels cause there was nothing but crap on... geeze. then i just went to my room.. blasted some music (with my headphones on of course) did some hw.. then went to bed like at 11pm...weeeeee. uhm.. yeah.
saturday. cause of health issues i couldn't see my kiddos...*sniff* i missed those little punks...i guess they didn't miss me cause it was the day of the big exam.. hehehe... but i did have to go to school to keep going with the project that we're presenting at the contest... it's getting pretty cool... working on a website that is gonna become a "business" it's pretty interesting.. hehe...that was pretty much what i did... i came back home like at 4pm.. ate something.. then did some hw... then watched cartoons with my mom the rest of the evening.. it was quite fun just laying on the couch eating popcorn and drinking coke ... and laughing at oldie cartoons.. :P then i went to bed early cause i had church time on sunday! :)
sunday. well... it was quite an interesting sunday.. i could've say it was one of the best sundays i've had so far... i went to church with my family... we had a guest preacher.. so it was cool seeing a new face...:) ... then we went to sirloin stockade for lunch...let me tell you.. that was GOOD stuff.. so yummy... i finally had lunch with my family on a sunday and i had one of the best meals ever... but as all good things have an end.. i had to be at school by 3pm to work on another group project...i stayed there til 7pm... then came back home... ate some choc cake... watched tv for like 10min.. then locked myself in my room cause i had to study for a midterm on monday. then i went to bed like at 1am. pretty early for my sleeping schedule...hehehe. i guess i'm setting 1 am as my curfew.. hmmm.
monday. monday was boring. well... mondays are always boring. well... actually i woke up,and found out that my mom's windstar was being fixed... so that left us with my dad's truck,cause of course my bro had his car with him at work... so i had to stay the whole freakin day at school cause my dad was like "i can't just leave my job to come and pick you up every free time you have" .. cause i have the weirdest schedule EVER... so i just stayed there during my 4 hour free period and goofed around the campus and actually did some hw.... oooo.. and i had a midterm...yeah.. it was easy.. that's why i forgot to write about it o_O ... so on our way back home... the car argument showed up again.. cause i told my dad.. i wouldn't give them
so much trouble if i had my own car... my dad almost choked from laughing... he was like "that was one of the best plug ins of your car i've heard" .. i was like "uh, thanx i try my best O_o" so yeah.. he thought i was joking for the 5832694718 time... so.. yeah.. no car until may.weeee.*cough* so i guess for the next couple of days i'll just have to stay at school cause i'd have to wait for my dad to get out of his job....great.
tuesday.well, i did my regular activities.. went to school...stayed there the whole day...came home til like 9pm...yay *rollseyes*...so.. when i got back home i get the news that my parents are not buying the cr-v (i was supposed to go last thursday with them to close the deal and blah blah.. but i got sick) .. that they were now thinking about getting a trailblazer,i seriously don't know what's going on thru their heads.. but i just want them to make a decision so we stop having these transportation an communication problems...after listening to them and discussing about which SUV should they get (well, my mom.. cause she is the one driving it).. i just said.. do your will and just call me when you have the keys in your hands, not in a rude way of course.. but just making them know that i was getting tired... then i went up to my room and did some hw... watched some tv... then went to bed...
wednesday. well, wednesday... i walked A LOT on wednesday... teachers just had me walking from building to building as if i had nothing better to do... (freaking HUGE campus...we're like 17,500 students to give you and idea of the size of it) ... at least i got a chance to be at home on time for lunch.. i seriously don't like having lunch at school the whole week... the food is fine.. but i like to save money you know? :P ... so after lunch.. i went back to school and had my last two classes... and the good news about the last one.. is that the teacher didn't show up so.. i didn't have my 6-9pm class.. weeee... but i did take the midterm.. but of course
it wasn't gonna take me 3 hours to finish it.. so i got home like at 7:30...yay... when i got home i watched "The O.C." .. it's new here... (yes NEW as in first episode) .. i didn't get it haha.. so i guess i'll have to watch it next week or else stop watching it...then i did some presentation which i finished it like at 2am... *shakes head* ... but o well.. it was plenty of information to resume...
thursday.so.. i had my first class. it was ok. then i had my second class, the one i was supposed to give the presentation... the teacher took loooong to give some instruction.. so he told us to give the presentation next class (aka next tuesday).. i gave the teacher the evil look..but o well,, seeing it from the positive side i don't have to work on it for tuesday.. then i came back home and did nothing but watch tv.. hehe.. shame on me i know... but i just had to watch the new seasons for my fave shows.. hehe...then i finished some stuff and went to bed... like at 2am...crap.
friday. well.. friday was.. boring. nothing happened.. well actually nothing never happens, but i like to pretend i have an interesting life :-p .. so yeah.. basically i went to school.. came back home.. went to school again.. then came home... oooooo...wait... something DID happened... i went to church at night.. and we had a special guest.. so it was a praise & worship night, i finished with my voice with all the singing and yelling.. but i had fun.. it was definitely good stuff. then
i came back home and finished some stuff that other girls were supposed to finish, but they did it wrong so.. who had to fix it? me, of course. so i went to bed like at 1am.
today. well, today i was supposed to be up at 6am to be at school at 7:30am, cause the bus for community service was supposed to leave at 8am... BUT... i turned my alarm off.. so i fell asleep again..then my mom went to my room and woke me up and asked me "at what time are you supposed to leave?" i answered "at 7:30" my mom again "honey, it's 7:30" ... i freaked out. i dunno how i did it but i managed to shower, get dressed and pack my stuff in 15 min.. by 7:55am i was at school o_O
... so today was the last day for community service.. that means i am no longer gonna see my kiddos *tear*.. perhaps next year....MAYBE... we prepared a party for them and food and candy ended up all over the floor.. so at the end we did some mad cleaning.. *sigh*.. the whole thing ended like at 2pm.. and i had a group meeting at 3pm.. so i just got there on time to grab a snack and run to the one of the labs... we worked til 6pm.. i got home at 7pm.. cause my mom picked me up and took me to several places to do some shopping... blah... i came home.. ate a decent meal.. then i'm here writing this at the time i'm supposed to be studying for my midterm on monday.. yay me.
...so.. that was "basically" what happened with me all this time i was gone. told you it was gonna be long... Ü