On January 1st, 2007, i wrote, "i think im scared about this year and all the changes and uncertainties that it holds. i dont want to let go of anything."
Every single year that I've done this, it has said somewhere in the post "200X was a YEAR OF CHANGE" but this tops everything. In the beginning of this year, i did not see myself where i am now. i didnt see myself at syracuse - i never did - im not sure i do now - i didnt see myself being single, thats for sure, i didnt see myself hanging out with my current crew at the star every night, i didnt see myself owning a mac or having super short hair. i didnt see myself rushing a sorority (dont worry, its the marching band sorority).
but honestly, really to be quite honest, there wasn't very much change. in terms of the things i care about and the way i think, nothing has stayed more stagnant, and i like it like that. the things i believe in have only been magnified and intensified in the past year, and i'm pretty content with all that. now that i'm home, i find myself looking around and wondering why everyone else is changing when i seem to be staying the same. i remember my brother once saying that in a post a very long time ago - that he was more the same than ever, that college didnt change him like he thought it would, or something. and i really cant explain it any other way.
regardless, here is 2007. inexplicable.
I was a cheerleader in 2007
February 10 - Senior WPHS Cheerleaders at Nationals
This is a good way to start my year in photos, because nothing but Cheerleading consumed the first few months of 07. It's also good because of how absurd it is that I looked like that EVER, let alone in the same year I look like I do now.
It was a painful experience in many ways! But I sure did learn a lot.
Oh and I fell at Nationals
The video is on facebook because youtube said it was copyright infringement.
http://syr.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1016820785656 By this time, I was completely done applying to college. I had no idea where I wanted to go and applied to 7 schools that had almost nothing in common, at all. I applied to Barnard, Oberlin, UmassAmherst, Goucher, Ithaca, Russell Sage and Syracuse.
February 17 - I cut my hair mad short. We went to Supercuts and said "cut my hair like these girls" and the lady did a great job. It was kind of a big deal, I guess.
February 24 - Pillow Fight in Union Square
April 1 - Coney Island Opening Day with Hungry March Band
April 13 - Band trip to DC
I hate DC but this trip was really wonderful. The animal game.
Day of Silence was April 18. After I was done with college apps I really devoted myself to the Day of Silence - I was a co-president of the GSA and I wanted to DOS to be HUGE, and it really was. We sold over 200 t-shirts and it was bigger than I've ever seen it be. I'm really proud of that.
April 20-22 - My final retreat. The topic was Community and there are basically no words. If I start with words I'll never finish this post.
May 11 - Regis Prom! This was one of the greatest nights ever. Really a great event and a great night afterwards, walking around the city and the karyoke. I hung out with Nina Leone and Leonore and Kat this night, right? And we all got along.
May 17 - Our Ferris Buehler Day Off. We skipped school and went to MoMa, right? And saw a really exciting Met game, such a good idea.
May 26 - White Plains prom - It was alright, and my afterprom was so chill and nice.
June 5 - My final WP band picnic and the debut of the band video, which defines my entire life, more or less --
Click to view
Props to Johnny Hollahands, too.
June 25 - Graduation?! This is me with the people I was near in line to graduate, all jews with L names. I barely even have any memories of this day, to be honest. I am still in high school. I miss WPHS a lot.
July 5 - Family cruise to Nova Scotia. Chillin with my cuzzinz
July 21 - Sirenfest, another day at Coney Island. One of many.
John and Victoria, nice awkward times.
Saw Matt & Kim!
July 22 - Doing the Gardener at Tim Nicholas'
This show was kind of a disastor! It was a fun to be a in band even though we didn't really play or write any songs. Too much fun.
August 1 - NOATS Suspicious Package record release!
August 11 - The scavenger hunt was one of the major highlights of the summer, I had a whole lot of fun, serious props to Joey on that one.
Then Jack and I broke up.
I'd be kidding myself if I didn't include this in my year of pictures, because it was kind of monumental.
August 19 - First day of Band Camp in the SUMB. I'm so so happy I went to Syracuse, if only for the SUMB and I mean that.
My wonderful roommate Dwiveck came a few days after that
September 18 - the SUMB band picnic - I had no idea I'd be hitting two band picnics in one year.
Our skit got honorable mention. But it was the best one.
This is me and my rookie clarinet section at the picnic, we're kind of a big deal. It's really cool how tight me and these kids have become.
I went home the weekend of Sep 23. NOATS show at St. Barts made me feel ancient.
October was the death month, 3 home games 3 Saturdays in a row
Most of my time was running out of 4c in uniform
Halloween, mime again. Mimed at a party, Mimed in class.
November 11 - Parent's Weekend! Chauffered my parents around and they took great photos and we lost yet another home game.
November 25 - Thanksgiving break! I feet so accomplished with this break. I had missed WP and WPHS and everyone so much and I used my time so well over this break, it was so perfect. And the WPHS band was SO good and im SO excited for the future of that band and all...Walking around in WPHS made me feel pretty weird though - just how I can't believe high school ended, I kinda feel like I wasnt paying attention and now I'm 18 and in college and I still feel like a sophomore.
Then Basketball started and so did SourSitrusSociety!
December 2 - Here are the TBS and KKPsi clarinets and rushees or whatever.
We went ice skating. Maybe 08 will be a big year for TBS.
I had no idea I'd be rushing a sorority, it still feels funny.
December 3 - SUMB had to end, until AUGUST of 08!
Clarinets got most improved section. There are a lot of us.
Now I'm home on break
Christmas was kind of a busted play. I wish I felt something like how they feel in "Love, Actually" about Christmas and the Christmas spirit. I have no feelings associated with Christmas and it means almost nothing to me. I was still in Syracuse during Hanukkah so that kind of blew, too. But break is going, and it's going well.
I miss everyone from everywhere a lot.
Sorry this is so dramatic.
Goodbye to a dynamic year.