Title: Covered in skin
dollarformynameCrossover: bandom
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't know, not real
Type: Gen, het and slash (heavier on the slash)
Word Count: 26.479
Characters/Pairings: Characters: Sam, Dean, Mikey +Gerard Way, Bob Bryar,
Emilie Autumn, William Beckett, Jared and Shannon Leto
Pairings: Bob/Emilie Autumn, Gerard/Dean, Gerard/William (past Jared/Gerard)
Warnings: violence, sex, mentions of child abuse and rape (nothing graphic)
Spoilers: Goes AU pretty much during season one, so none.
Summary:There are a few things on Dean's plate: finding Dad, finding Pastor Jim who disappeared, finding out why his brother has freaky Jedi powers (that don't freak Dean out at all), why a bunch of hunters died in a fire, finding out the Ways' secret agenda (because the boys are suspicious as hell) and then there is the thing with his own dreams. - which he isn't admitting of having in the first place.
Season 1 AU.
“Okay. So he is not a siren and he is not bewitching Sam or you or whatever it is you’re thinking. He’s ours. He’s family.”
“Not by blood,” Dean interrupts.
“What does it matter?” Gerard answers. He takes a sip of coffee and sighs. He starts to feel like a real person again. Dean makes a noise.
“You make porn noses when you drink coffee,” he says and Gerard laughs. He just can’t help himself.
Author’s Notes: HUGE thanks to my betas:
silvrhuntress (for hand-holding as well) and
theplumtomato. My artist is the best and most lovely person ever! Thank you for making me stupidly happy
dollarformyname. Also thanks to
chosenfire28 (for not kicking my ass out.) On a side-note: this story has a prequel:
Ghost in the snow. I was assured that it is not necessary to know that story to understand this one, but I figure it can't hurt to read it either if someone wants to.
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Covered in skinLink to Art Master Post:
Awesome art <3