Sorry for the delay on the Master Post. We are still waiting on some fic and art (if you have gotten art in recently please comment here to let us know) but the Master Post will be up this weekend and it is going to be EPIC! Plus look out this weekend for something special my co-mod
dhfreak is putting together.
First off, for the next round I would like to introduce you to another Moderator joining the team
lightthesparks. Now for the next round, we are going to leave when that will be up to you guys.
The idea is to have a short summer round for this community. This would be over the summer when people have more free time (or some authors who had to drop out can try again!). It would run from about mid June to September and if we have one the details will all be left up you guys. So please take the time to answer this poll, get others to answer it, lets see who wants to play again this summer.
Poll Poll Poll Poll Poll Poll