Hey cuz! so i havent talked to u in a while so i was like, ill read Adlissa's livejournal, see what shes been up 2! WTF! wut did brent do! I swear if he hurt u ill beat his butt! Ill do it! u just watch! I love you and ill talk to you later babe
kourtni, adlissa is my best friend and i didnt want to be mean to you becasue youve never actually done anything to me but dont say shit like that to her seriously ... her and brent belong together. everyone really does know taht. just because you have brent now doesnt mean you always will or have him for long.you need to think about the things you say and do before you say/do them. because you hurt a lot of people. mostly your friends and thats fucked up. and if it came up if you start anythign with adlissa..id have her back and so would a hell of a lot of other people. just letting you know. and dont even bitch at me for this becuase im being nice.
adlissa i love you and im sorry for all of this and you have to call me.
i could really care less who all has adlissa's back, because i have friends too. and i do think about things before i say/do them. that's exactly why i did what i did. i told you that i was gonna regret what i said, but i dont.
Comments 23
but she should die.
::my goal for now::
Much Love,
Your Fav. Cuz Haley
ill tell you everything..
next holiday i guess.
adlissa i love you and im sorry for all of this and you have to call me.
you have all of two friends maybe?
no one fucking likes you anymore.
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