It's a good thing nobody really reads this.

Jun 18, 2008 23:49

Because otherwise the lack of updates would probably be frustrating. Anyway, for status' sake, here's the rest of April and May and what's happened so far in June:

April 25
- Rochelle is still proud of Allie for riding three roller coasters and thinks that Six Flags was much more fun this year. 9:01pm [It was. And I still am. :)]

April 27
- Rochelle slept a lot today but is still pretty tired from Grad Bash. 9:07pm [Grad Bash was amazing. Despite the boring Mardi Gras pre-party and the heat and hosting people on our freezing bus and waking up in the middle of the night with my head in the seat and my knees on the floor. It was great. :D]

April 28
- Rochelle can exempt her calculus final! 9:00pm [Lots of worrying about the last quiz involved there. I'm still thankful for that.]

April 29
- Rochelle hopes she's heading in the right direction. 9:36pm [We'll see.]

April 30
- Rochelle is 100% sure: she's going to Carleton! 11:14pm
Thank you to everybody who offered advice. I decided to be selfish and unreasonable, but I don't regret it. Likewise, I feel almost as if I didn't fight hard enough for it, because Robin did most of the persuading parent-wise, but I have no doubt that I'll love my school and I'll make the most of that $50000 a year. :)

May 1
- Rochelle is happy because she can finally put herself on the senior map. 9:42pm [It's a very nice feeling. Also apparently I'll be an hour away from Ralph Sampson, if I should ever feel like being dwarfed by a six-foot-almost-seven-feet-I-think basketball player.]

May 3
- Rochelle finally has gum again! 8:58pm [This sounds stupid, but I need gum to survive after meals and keep myself from continuous snacking.]

May 5
- Rochelle just finished her last ever high school chorus concert. 10:49pm [To be honest it wasn't that sentimental. But I did have my first and last ever solo, to Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out, too. :)]

May 6
- Rochelle feels like going swimming. 9:48pm [Still do.]

May 7
- Rochelle can't believe Sparknotes put FOTR as Fellowship of the Rings, plural. 7:43pm [I mean, really. They still haven't changed it, either.]
- Rochelle is starting to realize just how screwed she is for the AP physics exam. 9:36pm [I didn't know anything. Bad.]

May 8
- Rochelle is rejoicing because finishing the AP lit exam means no more timed writings ever! 5:09pm [I hope.]
- Rochelle can't believe the AP lit thread has actually reached 1000 messages and overriden the system! Or something. 6:24pm [That was amazing. Mary finished it off perfectly (London bombings!). I do so love my AP lit class.]
- Rochelle is really screwed for the AP physics exam. 10:22pm [Haha. Yeah.]

May 10
- Rochelle can't believe the Tokio Hotel CD was sold out at Best Buy. 2:14pm [Still can't. But that's good, I suppose, since that means they're relatively popular. I've fallen out of the loop, so I don't really know what's up anymore. But I still need a copy of Scream.]

May 11
- Rochelle is totally unprepared for the AP physics exam. 2:18pm [Yeepp. :)]
- Rochelle doesn't care anymore; she won't have to take physics in college regardless of her score. 11:26pm [Which was very reassuring.]

May 12
- Rochelle only has one more exam left! 6:13pm [And actually, the physics exam wasn't that hard. I guess I absorbed more than I thought I did.]

May 13
- Rochelle doesn't feel like studying for the AP macro exam. 5:53pm [Nope.]

May 14
- Rochelle thinks today was a success, even though we didn't make him cry outright. 5:33pm [It was close, though. Party, presents [photo album and thread binder], and O Captain My Captain. A fantastic finish for a fantastic year.]
- Rochelle needs a ride home from the econ exam tomorrow...any offers? 8:19pm [I don't think I got any, actually. -.-']
- Rochelle isn't particularly concerned with the AP macro exam. 10:29pm [Nope. It was easy anyway.]

May 15
- Rochelle is done with AP exams FOREVER! 11:38am [Such a great feeling.]
- Rochelle isn't letting herself think of the end. 9:26pm [Of course, now it's already over and done with. Goodbye, 6th period AP lit. I'll keep our memories dear.]
- Rochelle is sad because her dad can't be at her high school graduation. 11:59pm [Yeah, really. What's up with my parents and missing my important dates? Mommy missed prom and Daddy missed graduation. I'd rather it have been the other way around, just because she could have helped me with prom and he could have taken pictures. Boo on business trips. Especially since Daddy was [is!] in JAPAN. Without me. What the hell. :P]

May 17
- Rochelle is amused by how she gets her first big package of college stuff the day after her last day of high school. 7:32pm [I found it rather fitting.]

May 18
- Rochelle doesn't want to change her email and join the Carleton network quite yet... 12:14am [It's hard to let go of high school. Especially when you liked it. Plus, college is scary.]

May 19
- Rochelle is cursing her clumsiness. 2:32pm [I broke the hand on Mme. Francisse's cup with the doorknob on my way into the garage, after a few hours of careful sanding. But I ended up with a stronger handle, so I guess it was a good thing.]
- Rochelle is impressed by the number of AP-lit-appropriate bumper stickers. 10:01pm [It's quite amazing, actually. :)]

May 21
- Rochelle is amused by all the purple-shirt profile pics. 11:37am [I wish I had a screenshot of them all or something.]

May 23
- Rochelle is tickled pink that Carleton students developed the Oregon Trail game! 12:59am [I knew I loved this school. Seriously, how freaking cool is that?]
- Rochelle had a really fun day, but is now cursing her stupidity in leaving her graduation packet in Mr. Rawlin's trailer. 8:28pm [Yeah. Idiot. Though jamming us all [me, Shubhi, Mary, Chuhan, and Filiz] plus the Box and respective AP lit items into the car and surprising Angela into stopping in the middle of the road while driving was pretty fun. Also the talking in my kitchen and going to play Wii at Chuhan's house. :D]
- Rochelle wonders why Facebook isn't sending her notification emails anymore. 10:16pm [I need those, dammit.]

May 24
- Rochelle is thankful for nice custodians with keys. 2:28pm [No kidding. It had my camera and graduation cords and tickets in it. Plus I got to ride one of the golf cart things! One of my life goals, done!]

May 25
- Rochelle is finally a high school graduate! 10:37pm [Graduation was pretty nice. Lots of waiting, but after it was done, seeing Dr. Warren and taking pictures and taking off the cap and gown and accompanying Shawn was quite pleasant. My little cousins are so cute.]

May 26
- Rochelle wants her freaking Facebook notification emails, damn it. 1:29am [Luckily it appears the problem is fixed.]
- Rochelle really likes her new snow boots. :). 6:36pm [They're so cute. I don't doubt I'll get to use them sooner than I want to, but oh I can't wait!]

May 29
- Rochelle is feeling creative. 2:40pm [Yeess. Making cups and drawing and finally beginning that scrapbook...]

And on May 31 I got my fifth stripe, which means I am one stripe away from qualifying for my black belt test. I'm pretty sure he won't give it to me until right before, so when I get that last stripe it'll mean he thinks I'm ready. :)

June 6
- Rochelle is happily pseudo-scrapbooking. 11:57am [I say pseudo because it's not a real scrapbook. No fancy borders or categories or cute stickers or comments. Just stuff I've saved for way too long pasted in a sketchbook. I'm really quite proud of it.]

June 7
- Rochelle is full of yummy Indian food. 11:31pm [Shubhi's graduation party was, without a doubt, the most fun one I went to. And Indian food is delicious. I tried pretty much everything and liked it. And stuffed myself. Really.]

June 9
- Rochelle wants Michaels to call and hire her already. 8:42pm [Geez, really.]

June 10
- Rochelle is amused by Karthik's gift and hopes he will be, too. 9:03pm [Chinglish book. He was. :D]

June 11
- Rochelle had a lot of fun at Karthik's birthday party. :D. 9:19pm [I had a fantastic time, actually. Bowling was unexpectedly fun, and David is freaking hilarious. I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. :D]

June 12
- Rochelle wonders if Michaels is really going to call her or not. 5:47pm [They didn't. I called them.]

June 14
- Rochelle is excited about dinosaur cake! 4:17pm [For Allie's birthday, of course! It was a smashing success. Kudos to Robin for finding directions on WikiHow.]

June 15
- Rochelle is a little sad about eating the dinosaur cake. 11:26am [Though the spice cake was absolutely delectable. Red velvet was okay, too. But spice cake...mmmm.]

June 16
- Rochelle finally has an interview with Michaels on Thursday. 1:49pm [Tomorrow, actually. Hope that works out.]

And to explain the fake status update in the lj-cut text [June 18: Rochelle is reveling in the delight of well-written fanfiction], finishing re-watching Ouran put me in a mood for fanfics, and during my hungry search for good ones, I remembered meitachi with chineseink and read through all her fantastic Ouran fics at once. I even started working on that Eerie Queerie idea from way back when. Maybe this means I'll start writing again?

- Rochelle is excited for tubing tomorrow! 3:02pm

- Rochelle definitely had quite an adventure and is still thankful everyone's safe. 8:05pm
- Sheila had a good day despite the crash.
- Megumi is just like what Rochelle and Sheila said lol.
- Allie is ditto rochelle, sheila, and megumi.

What a day! We planned to go tubing in Helen, with Liz as our driver. Long story short, we got in an accident on a horrible intersection, miraculously escaping uninjured [I think the worst of our injuries was a seat belt rash on my part. Not a big deal]. The Chevy thing hit right above the wheel and scraped down the side, luckily missing Liz. At first I didn't think much of it, but once Liz backed out and I saw what it looked like, I could not be more grateful that all that happened to her was a scrape on her elbow. Not even blood. Amazing. Of course, her beautiful car Yuki is probably totaled and she had a rough time, but after her mom and Danny picked us up, she said that since she was already off work we might as well go tubing. So we did. It was a ton of fun [I managed to get snagged on every rock on the Chattahoochee. Liz tried to rescue me once, saying that "We'll get through it together!", while I laughed myself silly in the five minutes during which we remained stuck on the rocks. And then there was the friend chain, the sheer pleasure of rapids, and of course, Danny's misfortune in not quite fitting in his mother's scrubs. :D] and also I think calmed us all down, Liz's mom especially. So I hope we don't all unwittingly have concussions or whiplash [knock on wood and we'll see how we feel tomorrow], but thank goodness or God or whatever it may be that smiled on us today, because today could have ended in tragedy, but instead it ended in good humor and lightheartedness. :)

facebook status update, karate

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