Dec 15, 2009 08:55

Okay, so I swore I wouldn't watch Raw anymore if Seamus won the belt from Cena (which he did), but I had to watch the Slammy awards because Jeff Hardy was nominated in a few categories. So, here's what I thought of the night:

I missed the first hour because I was at bingo with a friend, but I made it home (in record time) to catch the last two hours or so.

The DX match against Jericho and Big Show? Awesome. I hate hate hate Jericho's character, but he plays it so well that I just couldn't help but feel a little bad for him that DX ruined his one chance to get the belts back. The look on Jericho's face when DX explained that it was his one chance, and he was no longer allowed in the Raw ring? Priceless. Jericho, you are awesome.

Also, Dennis Miller telling Jericho off was great.

I LOL'd so hard when Batista came out and pulled a Kanye West on Maria when she accepted her award for Diva of the Year. Unfortunately, I missed the actual evening gown match (I was driving to the gym and totally missed it), but I just have to say...

Why? Why Maria? Seriously? You guys couldn't at least have voted for, I don't know, Maryse, or Kelly Kelly, or Michelle McCool? I would've understood that decision. Guys think they're hot. But seriously, Maria? She hasn't done anything this year. And if you're going to vote for someone that can actually wrestle and isn't a total waste of payroll, see my previous rant about that. But WTF Maria.

I loved the introduction to Extreme Moment of the Year with Carlito, Chris Masters, and Eve. Are they trying to turn Chris Masters face? Also, his bouncing Man Boobs were fantastic. And hilarious. I was definitely giggling.
I was also very pleased to see Jeff Hardy won for most extreme moment. I'm also very sad that he won't be winning any more awards. :(

I made it home just in time to see Cena's little speech about not losing a match until he gets the belt back. Then he went on to defeat Randy Orton. I didn't watch that match (lifting weights trumped any Cena-Orton match), but I knew Cena won because my buddy told me.

Also, I'm LOLing at the fan girls that are bitching because Orton a) didn't win SuperStar of the Year; and b) Orton didn't win anything at all. LMAO
I just really wish these teenieboppers weren't so hard-on about Orton. Seriously. They're ruining the fandom for me. Please stop.

ETA: I had to remove pieces_of_randy from my f-list. I just couldn't do it anymore. The bullshit fangirl whining is ruining the fandom for me. I'd rather not have to see that shit on my friends page every time I click on it, thanks.
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