
Apr 29, 2010 11:24

Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/literary works and copypaste their summaries from Better than it Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess.  Try not to overlap your selections with others'!

1. A boy wants to be a hero, so an Evil Overlord obliges him by stealing his girlfriend. Centuries later, said Evil Overlord feels bad for being such a jerk and tries to make it up to you.

2. A millionaire journalist and his two pets, one of which is remarkably perceptive. They Fight Crime. The Cat Who books (halogencat )

3. Magical Girls, Mecha, and several other genres that should not meet, do. It somehow works  Magic Knight Rayearth (ghsthckr )

4. Procrasting lizard man  is Trapped In TV Land by a robot. Gex (stalker1869 )

5. Jesus and Buddha celebrate their divine bromance by moving to Japan and renting an apartment together. Saint Oniisan (angel_vixen )

6.Extra-dextrous thief outwits team of buddy-cops.  Improbable chase scenes and musical numbers pop up seemingly at random. Dhoom2 (cleahpatra )

7. A Jewish teen and his wisecracking friend go on a road trip through Asia so the first teen can find his purpose in life. Lamb (stalker1869 )

8. Green-skinned humans and oddly-shaped... things defend a city from megalomaniacs and pocket dimensions created by their "god''. Reboot (halogencat )

9. Two police cadets are forced into auto repair because their boss was a glory hog. They decide not to let him completely get away with it.  Swat Kats (angel_vixen )

10. A bunch of Americans living abroad in the 1950s talk and act like it's the 1970s, get drunk and crack a lot of jokes about death.

11. A brave but dim young man with a goofy haircut enters the high-stakes world of bread-making. Yakitate!! Japan!!! (muffins_of_god )

12. Color-coded teenagers combine their powers to fight vaporous evil.  Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (stalker1869 )

13. Redhead gets "taken home" to rule over a world that vaguely resembles China.

14. Three men in unusual clothing go on a road trip, experience car trouble and stay in a small town while waiting for spare parts. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything - Julie Newmar (adifferentdrum )

15. You are simultaneously the two-most powerful beings on the planet and the biggest whiner  in the galaxy.

16. A multi-cultural couple should get together for love of a vacuum cleaner, but they don't.

17. Emotionally abused six-year old attends a school where the principal emotionally abuses everyone. Hilarity Ensues. Matilda (angel_vixen )

18. A Hero, a slightly dim-witted guy, a Grumpy Bear, a Large Ham, and a Tagalong Kid go through an unbelievable amount of crap to find a giant.

19. A royal bastard fucks up in every conceivable way across TWO trilogies.  But it's not all his fault.  Dragons ate his memories.  Robin Hobb's Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies (stalker1869 )

20. An anthropomorphic marsupial exacts revenge on a balding scientist. Crash Bandicoot (blackpaladin ) 

As much fun as that was, VERY FEW of my picks were books...the literary selection over on TV Tropes is sadly lacking in "things I've read a billion times" so I made up a few that HAD to be included.  This is probably more commentary on MY taste than TV Tropes'.


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